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Monday, June 13, 2011

Today's Survey Question

Are you traveling for a vacation this summer?


  1. who wants to put up with moronic tourists?

    go off season when things are more peaceful everyplace. you get much more of the local flavor of areas

  2. At $3.80/Gal for gas?
    And with the TSA molesting people as they go thru security?

    What do you think?

  3. Yes , we will being going to Assateague National Seashore in Md. We will reside in our motorhome for 3 or 4 days.
    AS a senior it's only 10 bucks a night with the National pass.
    So , we will only have to drive about 50 miles.

  4. Yes, we will be traveling to New England this summer as we do every summer.
    We know it will cost us more in gas this year but we're lucky enough to have friends with a home on the lake so we don't have to pay for lodging.
    I'm ready to get outta here for a couple of weeks!

  5. yes and done, also! Any beach at the end of May beginning of June is perfect. Warm and no tourists because school is still in!

  6. Can't afford a vacation this year. If anything it will be a staycation spending a few days on the beach with my daugher.

  7. As corny as it may sound to some, I come back to the Shore a few times each summer for a "vacation". Bring the fishing poles, and a cooler of cold ones. Feet in the sand, drink in my hand with some old friends. Can't beat it. There are so many little fishing spots all over the Shore, it's great for an outdoorsman like myself.

  8. Yes heading twice to Fort Benning GA next month to see our son who is in boot camp.. First to pick him up for his 48 hour leave and the next to see him graduate... Most like will be our best and proudest vacation ever... HOOAH

  9. I know I am one of just a few, but I was surprised and happy with the tax refund I got last April. According to my CPA, Obamocare let me deduct my healthcare payments since I am self employed. As a result, I have two motor/camping trips out of State planned, and, in addition, will be flying out to the Rockies for the fall folliage. I am not all that modest, so the TSA can have at it.

  10. Yes. Just hope I get a good lookin woman to grope me at the airport rather than some guy in loafers and a rainbow tee shirt.

  11. 1:16 That is wonderful. I bet you are proud!

  12. No vacation this year. In fact, no vacation since 1991!! Divorce will do that to your finances!!!

  13. Europe! one month.

  14. Anonymous 5:51pm I hear a lot of that going around!

  15. This will be the first summer in many years that I will not be taking a vacation. The airfares are just too expensive and the thought of having to deal with the airlines and airports make it even easier to stay close to home this summer. A cruise from Baltimore would be nice but even the summer prices for a family of four are way up there. My salary has been cut almost in half so another reason to just stay home and hope to be able to pay all the household bills.

  16. No. Pollitt is raising my taxes.


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