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Friday, June 03, 2011

Today’s Survey Question

Do You Still Use 35 mm Film or a Film Camera?


  1. No

    I have a question that's a bit off topic but don't know where else to post it. I hope someone can answer.

    Are inmates in Maryland state prisons allowed to open up Facebook accounts?

  2. I still have an older camera, but digital is just so much easier with such a high capacity. No more finding out a picture came out bad 2-3 months down the line when you get film processed. Plus, with my tiny sd card, my camera holds something like 1600 pictures. Not that I'll ever get close to taking that many lol

  3. Yes, and it is a wonderful old camera.

  4. My husband would love to dig our
    35mm out of mothballs, but where can you find film? We bought him a digital camera and he just can't get the hang of it and it's just a point and shoot.

  5. Nothing better than film. Dont have to worry about pixels or anything. Just have to wait for it to be developed. My wife has a $400 digital camera 12 megapixels and my film camera still takes a better photograph.

  6. Yes, and I love it.

  7. I still have mine; but I only use my digital. What are people doing with their older cameras? They were too costly to just throw away.

  8. yes, i have a Minolta 35mm i got in 1976. everything is manual on it. have to adjust aperture, film speed, shutter speed ... it works perfect


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