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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

PROMISES, PROMISES: White House Solar Panels Are No-Shows

WASHINGTON (AP) - Last October, the Obama administration announced plans to install solar panels on the roof of the White House by the spring of this year, returning the power of the sun to the pinnacle of prominence a quarter-century after Jimmy Carter's pioneering system was taken down.

Spring has come and gone, and the promised panels have yet to see the light of day.

Administration officials blame the complexities of the contracting process, and say the solar project is still an active one. But they can't say when it'll be complete.

Environmental groups say the symbolism is telling _ and disappointing.

"On we'll go," sighed Bill McKibben, founder of the climate activist group 350.org. "One more summer of beautiful, strong sunlight going to waste, just bouncing off the White House roof."

McKibben and other environmentalists say the failure to meet its own deadline reflects an administration that's been long on green rhetoric but sometimes disappointingly short on practical accomplishments.



  1. Another shovel ready project. hahahaha NOT

  2. We complain when they spend money and then we complain when they don't. Really??

  3. The comment was intended as this has been a joke from the beginning. Tell me one thing that Obama has done to help the economy since he has taken office. Come on Obamabots!!!

  4. Yet another promise and remains broken from a president who is "all talk and no action". He is quite simply a liar from day one. He can deliver a speech but can't deliver any more than that. Wind energy is his only hope! Enough hot air to power the entire East Coast. What a failure NObama is!!

  5. tedh I hear the golf courses are making money off him lol... oh wait he took 500 people to.... oh another country so no help in our economy there either..... oh well I tried.

  6. Come on guys...it's all Bush's fault


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