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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Postal Service Bans Petition Drive

The Frederick News-Post reports that the US Postal Service has banished organizers of the petition drive to force the MD DREAM Act to referendum from Post Office property.

Don’t the folks at the USPS understand that POLITICAL SPEECH is the most protected speech of all?  Yet, the Postal service, an arm of the Federal government, is curtailing one of our most basic rights.

Should any of us be surprised in this day and age?

H/T – Cynthia Prairie @ Maryland Reporter

1 comment:

  1. The Post Office is not trying to curb your right to freedom of speech. They are simply curbing your appearance on their property. Big difference. Petition on public sidewalks, corners, whatever,but people still have the right to kick you off their property if they don't want you there. Sorry pal.


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