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Friday, June 17, 2011

Jim Ireton – Apologize or Resign

Salisbury mayor Jim Ireton didn’t step over a line during yesterday’s press conference; he leaped into a different universe. Threatening council members and promoting the nastiest kind of racial division is neither good public policy nor effective politics.

When Ireton ran for mayor in 2009, SbyNEWS supported him. When he went a tad “over-the-top” in his veto message, we argued against his reasoning but gave him an A+ for rhetoric. We didn’t even bother criticizing the wasted tax dollars expended having city employees prep a site expressly for political theater.

On Thursday, Jim Ireton did what no good politician ever does – he burned every bridge in sight. We understand that Ireton is a reading teacher. Evidently mathematics is not his strong suit. Why else would he declare a holy war on three members of a five member council?

Does Ireton believe that he is somehow weakening the council majority? He should be reminded that the next two councilmembers up for re-election are Shanie Shields and Debbie Campbell. When Campbell ran for re-election in 2009 she won significantly more votes in District 2 than Ireton did. He may find that refusing to put city tax dollars behind an obviously overpriced project helps the council majority with the very voters who turn out to participate in city races – OVERWHELMINGLY Christian, OVERWHELMINGLY senior, OVERWHELMINGLY homeowners. You know, conservative.

We have always considered Ireton to be an honorable man; whether we agreed with him or not. We hope that he will be honorable in this case. This means that Ireton should either apologize to the three council members who he threatened or he should resign from office.

Why, you may ask, have we not called on Shields to resign as well?

The answer is simple. Shanie Shields was a woman without honor before this incident and will remain one. We do not expect her to either apologize or to resign. Shanie is having too much trouble trying sitting at the “cool kids’ table”.

Jim needs to decide. Should he swallow a little pride and apologize, or is he going to throw away what may be his last opportunity to accomplish something meaningful as mayor? The choice is simple – APOLOGIZE OR RESIGN!



  1. I never thought I would put Ireton at the same level as Shanie.
    You said it best "You can't fix stupid".
    This goes to show you that the BOE will higher anyone (Ireton was a teacher).
    Of course we all know Shanie put in time at the TIMES , I wouldn't call it work.
    They are infact "running scared".

  2. Can you elaborate on the "threats?" What did he say? I didn't hear.

  3. Anon 0934 -
    You need to read this morning's other post on the subject. Ireton threatens to stir up the city's minority community because he doesn't get what he wants.

  4. Back stabbing knife twister is what Ireton has proved himself to be here in the bury.

  5. Ireton has aspirations of becoming the next state delegate, replacing Norm Conway. At the rate he is going he will be lucky to be able to show his face in Salisbury, he'll have to run away, again. He is a disgrace and an embarrassment to this city.

    If not for the legal protection provided by the office of mayor, he would have/should have been arrested for attempting to incite a riot or attempting to incite a segment of the community against another.

  6. ireton is in over his head. in addition he has a "hot head" and frequently engages his mouth before his brain. he will have a very hard time apologizing or resigning because his ego is much too big. salisbury loses again. such a shame.

  7. He should do both. Apologize then resign.

  8. Ireton must not apologize to The Unholy Three. If he did, he may as well resign.

  9. Ireton is nothing less then a sissy on ice skates.

  10. Well, maybe Ireton should go over to the west side tonight and hang out with his homies, let's see if he comes back with the same attitude!!

    Seriously, the 1st thing that needs to happen is to investigate this guy to see if he's fit to teach our children. From what I've seen so far he's not a decent enough human being nor does he have the intelligence to be a good influence on our children. I guarantee you, if he shows up on my children's schedule it will be changed. Anyone else agree?

  11. Funny, who the voters pick to rule over your life. There are no more good republicans or democrats. They've all gone down hill since JFK and Ike.

  12. Sorry, but the picture in the paper this morning gives me the best response.

    GET A JOB!

    Otherwise, you are welcome to the free/reduced price housing you presently have. Don't like it, get out. I work to pay for my living, and so should you.

  13. I am in shock that the mayor would say such terrible things. He is supposed to be "neutral" not inflame or assume. A SAD DAY FOR SALISBURY

  14. Don't think he is man enough to do either.

  15. Another on who should go is the Director of Public Works Teresa Gardner. This woman is a psycho nut to put it mildly.

  16. Looks to me the bigest racist is Shanie "We must take our city back" From whom?

  17. Look forward to seeing Ireton win re-election in a walk in 2013.

    Oh right, let me use the parlance of the SbyNEWS Editorial Board, which is:

    OVERWHELMLY not black, OVERWHELMLY unable to spell "overwhelmingly" three consecutive times successfully, OVERWHELMLY unable to understand Councilwoman Shanie Shields is a "womAn" (unless she is actually two people who occupy space and time simultaneously, which would violate all the lessons I learned from the great Van Damme epic, "Timecop"), and OVERWHELMLY abusive of my favorite punctuation sign, the semicolon (because you do not capitalize the word that follows it, you see).

  18. Let it all play out. No apology, no resignation. "What will be will be"

  19. we all should be taking notes on all this so we can write a book on the poitics in salisbury for the last 15 years.why are the mayor and lori so anxious to spend major money on that building. put the building on the market and back on the tax rolls. that will be the most expensive apartment house in maryland if they do what they want to do. thanks sjd

  20. As a business owner, and a professor at the University
    I agree with the Mayor on the
    subject but I disagree with
    his presentation. I won't
    comment on his threats because
    I didn't see or hear any.

  21. First post that would be "Hire" anyone not Higher.

  22. I don't know, 11:54. I'd guess I'd ask the same question of every republican who's saying the same exact thing about America right now. Tell us, republicans, who are you taking America back from?

  23. Anon 1008 -

    I take it then that you endorse inciting racial discord and unjustifiably calling people racists?


    Anon 1221 -

    I actually appreciated you pointing out the ONE spelling error. You were also correct that I misused the semicolon (it was actually a typo) near the end of the post. Yes, I'm well aware that you don't capitalize after a semicolon. That is how I know it was a typo. Besides, it would have been a big stretch to use it that sentence anyway.

    I'm glad I gave you some amusement. If those are the biggest mistakes I make at 2 AM, I count myself fortunate.


    Anon 1306 -

    You must be a chemistry professor. If you were an English or Rhetoric professor you wouldn't be arguing that there was no threat. It was implied, but still a threat.

  24. The only way a threat was implied is if your view of black people only getting involved politically is through violence is true. As we know that black people can get politically involved with rioting, I would argue that it is YOU, GA, who is engaging in racial discord.

  25. 2:28 not who it's what. Big government.

  26. Can we do a recall for Ireton? If so how do we go about it?

  27. I wish someone would answer 3:41 question.

  28. First, Jim Ireton is a stellar teacher, and any child in this county would be lucky to be in one of his classes.
    Second, Jim Ireton is passionate about "fixing" Salisbury. Basically, this is what he said, "I say this out loud to all of you: Council members are going to have a problem with the minority community, and I'm going to make sure the minority community knows this," Ireton said. "It's important that in an All-America City, revitalization happens in every single neighborhood."
    Shields said the council majority's actions are reminiscent of racial discrimination during the civil rights movement of the 1960s. I don't hear a threat. I hear a frustrated man trying to improve Salisbury who's being thwarted by delays that seem to have no good explanation.

    I see no reason for an apology or a resignation. I do, however, believe the Council needs to clearly explain their reasons for delaying votes. Quite possibly, the council needs to apologize.

  29. Council apologize? WRONG!

  30. 5:58, I don't care how frustrated the tantrum throwing mayor is. He was reckless in his comments. So was Shields.

    Did you not watch and listen Monday night? The mayor didn't inform the council about the deadline, which was extended from before. Why was that deadline missed? Screw ups on his part mean those council people have to upend everything to vote his way? His staff already screwed them up on the budget process and they had to scramble to cope with that. Then he has the nerve to veto their budget and accuse them of all sorts of things. Even Barrie Tilghman didn't do that!

    Ireton isn't the only one who is passionate about Salisbury, or frustrated. His way is not the only way and he treats people badly when they disagree with him. I don't care what kind of a teacher he is. As a mayor, he demonstrates bad behavior for kids. I'm glad mine are grown and moved so they didn't see this.

  31. This (below) was in the paper today right next to the Ireton article. Yup we should build more so more low income people move here and incite crime. This is what you get with low income housing.

    CRIME: Scalding bath ends in child abuse charges

    SALISBURY -- Wynita Evette Dale turned the hot water on and filled the tub inside the Booth Street town house apartment she shared with her mother. She was not preparing to bathe her child.

  32. Stupid as stupid does

  33. Irelunkhead seems to be a punk. Where have all the real men gone that can actually get things done?

    Skinny little boy who couldn't lead a cub scout meeting.

    Take you ego and shove it. Step aside so we can get this city back on track.

  34. Anon 1758 -

    The council DID NOT delay a vote on this project. If you would do a little independent checking you would see that Ireton's office has REPEATEDLY delivered legislation to council with MISSING information. I'm not talking about not anticipating some question from council either. I'm talking about agreements or contracts that have pages missing. I guess you think that the council should approve a pig in a poke?

    Then, you have situations where the administration refuses to provide answers to question. Whether you like it or not, that is the council's job! No one knows more than I that Debbie and Terry can be a pain in the ass. They will pick a nit to death. A lot of voters want that. Why? They are sick and tired of the city committing tax dollars to something and then two years later finding out that they've spent money on something that is not as represented.

    Waste Water Treatment Plant anyone?

    As for not hearing a threat, that's fine. As someone who grew up in the '60's, I witnessed the same kind of rhetoric become a riot. Those people claimed they were "trying to fix things" right up until the fires started.

  35. Anon 1541 -

    Forget it. The process is designed as to be impossible. You have to get more people to sign a petition than actually vote in the election.

    Anyway, that's not what I advocate. Jim needs to apologize.


    Anon 1524 -

    You have a right to your opinion. Unfortunately, there is no basis in fact.

    If you think that it's OK to just throw rhetorical bombs and call elected officials racists, then fine.

    I always find it amusing that people who lack the courage to sign their own names are the ones who love to throw charges.

    No, it is people like Jim and Shanie that are sowing the seeds of discord.

  36. Remember the Tilghman administraion days when we wanted to blame the rancor between mayor and Council on her? When the Council members changed but the mayor remained, we were sure it had to be Tilghman's fault for the discord. If only we could get rid of the mayor, everything would be nice and civilized. OK, so the mayor left office and we have all different Council members. So now whose fault is the tension, as described in today's Times? The more things change, the more they remain the same. How long do City residents have to endure the bickering?

  37. I's ironic -- the Bricks boondoogle will do nothing for the "minority" community -- and they know it, except for their so-called leaders loke Ireton, Shields and now Mitchell.

  38. We have new council members and leadership all right, but Ireton didn't give them a chance. He was putting down the new council and leadership within days. Don't know what's in the bottled water of that mayor's office, but it's dangerous. Contaminants like ego, power, press conference fever and back stabbing metals.


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