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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Delaware Re-Districting Passes House

The bill codifying new election district lines drawn by Democrats in the Delaware General Assembly passed the House with a party-line vote this afternoon.

House Majority Leader Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf (D-Rehoboth) said those involved in drafting the redistricting plan should be commended for engaging in a public process, which provided for a comment period and included a public hearing.

“We tried to have as much of an open process as possible,” he said.

However, Schwartzkopf also said that no substantial changes were made to the redistricting plan Democrats developed on their own.

Minority Leader Rep. Greg Lavelle (R-Sharpley) said the redistricting process was "much improved" compared to the bitter, court-arbitrated ordeal that occurred 10 years ago when Republicans were in power, but his party's input was not given due consideration.


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