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Thursday, June 09, 2011

Delaware Passes Election Law Changes

The House voted narrowly Tuesday to award Delaware's electoral votes to the candidate who wins the national popular vote, despite critics' condemnation of the bill as an end run around the U.S. Constitution.

House Bill 55, sponsored by Rep. Dennis E. Williams, D-Talleyville, squeaked through with the bare minimum of votes, 21, following debate that centered on electoral politics with a healthy dose of American history.

Williams said the bill will give Delaware, which has three votes in the Electoral College, more clout than it currently has. The media already are reporting that the 2012 presidential election will be decided in six states, Williams said, meaning Delaware essentially has been written off.

But Rep. Lincoln Willis, R-Clayton, said the bill would make Delaware even more irrelevant.



  1. WTF, so the NATIONAL vote count gets delaware's electoral votes? what about the people who VOTE in DE. JEEZ, who would vote for this? that means liberals have just DISENFRANCHISED the entire state of DE.

  2. it will not stand up, its unconstittional

    but it is time for the electoral college to go the way of the dodo


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