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Friday, June 17, 2011

D.C. Safeway cashier fired following homophobic slur

WASHINGTON - A supermarket cashier has been fired after swearing at and using a homophobic slur toward a gay D.C. couple.

Even though she was captured on video apologizing (and using the epithets again), Safeway officials say they decided to fire her.
In a statement, Safeway's Eastern Division President Steven Neibergall said, "We were shocked and appalled to learn of the statements made to two of our valued customers by one of our employees."
"This incident is personally offensive to me and to the rest of the men and women who proudly represent us in our stories."
Neibergall noted the cashier had been on the job for less than a month.



  1. freedom of speech only goes for liberals, remember? this heterophobic couple should be fined for lewd public acts and indecency.

  2. The protection of free speech outlined in the Constitution only applies to the government, 12:34. The government can't infringe on anyone's free speech, but private companies or individuals don't have to put up with any speech they don't like. If an employee is offending customers with his speech, then that employee deserves to be fired. "Free speech" has nothing to do with it.

  3. The protection of free speech outlined in the Constitution only applies to the government,

    What?! lmao


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