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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Chinese Government Is Buying Up Economic Assets And Huge Tracts Of Land All Over The United States

In 2011, America is for sale and the communist Chinese are eager buyers.  The Chinese government is using sovereign wealth funds and Chinese state-owned enterprises to buy up economic assets and huge tracts of land all over the United States.  Many of our politicians hail all of this "foreign investment" as something that is "good for America", while many others see something much more sinister going on here.  In any event, this is a trend that is rapidly accelerating and that is causing great concern among patriotic Americans.

In my recent article entitled "China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho", I examined a potential deal that Sinomach (a company controlled by the Chinese government) wants to do with the government of Idaho.  There will be more on this deal in a minute.

But first it is important to note that this is a phenomenon that is happening all across the United States.

For example, a Chinese investment group is buying up a very large chunk of real estate in Toledo, Ohio.  The following is a brief excerpt from an article in the Toledo Blade on May 26th, 2011....



  1. OMG!!!!! Surprised? Don't know why. This has been taking place with other Countries for 25 years across the US. Look closer to home. Right here on the Shore its been happening for the last ten years. Boy is this stale news. IS this the Daily Times? LOL.

  2. I'll smoke some with ya...haha

  3. This should be great concern for all the low lifes in this country who are receiving welfare, becuse when China takes over the US there will be no welfare. So, it's probably a good thing, you slaves will work for your food or you will be taken out back and shot. End of story!

  4. Why do you automatically assume 'low life's' are collecting welfare?

    Do you really think there are no families that need assistance?

    Granted, there are people who abuse and mis-use the program. But such a blanket statement is ignorant.

    Unemployment is a form of welfare. Are you including those who have no job as 'low life's'?

    You really need to expand your mind. You sound as one who repeats clichés someone told them and have no clue what the facts are.

  5. 9:06 PM

    Isn't it past your bedtime sonny?

  6. Following these 'investments' these companies will then excercise their first amendment rights by flooding the political system with cash. Thanks a ton Roberts!


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