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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: “The Bricks” Voted Down

In a 3 – 2 vote, the Salisbury City Council voted to not move forward with the proposed renovation of “The Bricks” for affordable housing.

Voting to end the $179,000 / unit project were councilmembers Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, and Tim Spies. Voting to move forward were councilwomen Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields.


  1. Thank goodness!! Laura Mitchell has turned out to be Louise Smith re-dux. Just like every other "great idea" like The Old Mall TIF, The grotesque overpayment for the "bog" the new firehouse sits on, The water and sewer giveaways to Rinnier and Ruark etc. The Bricks was going to make a targeted few cronies very rich at the taxpayer expense. ALWAYS AT THE TAXPAYER EXPENSE. Vote these types of people OUT, the big spending wasters of hard earned taxpayer money. Out with Ireton, Shields and Mitchell!!!!

  2. Mitchell and Shields are both burdens on Society. They want a new place to live I think.

  3. Good. The majority council did the right thing.

  4. Hallelujah - a modicum of sensibility emerges from the depths of stupidity.

  5. Now they need to bulldose the eyesore down.

  6. I hope Ireton doesn't have any animals, I can see him kicking the dog now.

  7. Agreed. Earlier in my life, I had to live with my daughter in "affordable housing." It was nice, it was secure and we only had to stay a year and a half. Then I was back on my feet. No way would I stay in affordable housing at that site. Can't believe the cost on these units either. Don't cram people who need help into a place like that. It's no kindness.

  8. Does anyone know the exact address of The Bricks? I'd like to have a nose around and check out the home sales in the immediate area.

  9. 1:35, it wouldn't really do you any good. There are no buildings/projects of this type over there, all of the apartments are converted houses. But...it is something like 500 E Isabella - not sure if that is exact or not. Right across from Cathedral of Love church.

    House values are pretty low in that area, always have been. I think the most expensive homes lately have been the ones that were sold as a "package" from one landlord to another, and/or the Habitat homes.

  10. Wow! For once I agree with Drew.

  11. I know Laura is New...she needs to investigate the content (Bricks) before putting her foot in her mouth. Same goes for the linens of the week property. We the citizens dont need it.

  12. About time. The city should stop accepting these "free" properties. We the citizens of Salisbury do not want to be in the real estate business. Give them to whoever will take these money holes off our hands Good job council.

  13. Very disappointed in Mitchell. Watching new council on PAC14, she seems pretty edgy, not all that civil. Her comments in the paper been pretty scary too.

    Thinking I got "had" again. Maybe should of voted for the Ford guy.

  14. I like your thinking 4:31. I was concerned the new council would take a hard swing left, but they seem to "get it". They have so far indicated that spending money on projects, that they really don't have is not something they are interested in. The Wico BOE is doing their thing about monies with the Onley Rd intersection, but the council is right. Onley Rd is a side street in a residential neighborhood and whoever thought sending ALL HS busses down there should have been given the boot for even mentioning it.

  15. Kudos to Campbell, Cohen & Spies. Now Ireton will declare nuclear war on them, just like Barrie did back in the3 day.

  16. The Bricks was a money pit.


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