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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

24 County Schools Fail To Meet Federal Targets


  1. This is Anne Arundel County, that should be noted...

  2. anonymous 5:46, maybe you need to go back and look at the TITLE of this article.

  3. The title of your article does not mention anything about which county is being discussed here ... only that 24 schools have failed to meet the Federal targets.

  4. All elementary schools and middle schools in Worcester County made AYP!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. For Wicomico middle/elementary schools NOT meeting AYP:

    Prince Street

    Bennett Middle
    Wicomico Middle
    Salisbury Middle

    High Schools forthcoming. . .July 1

    This is an improvement from last year so far for Wicomico.

    For further details go to:


    go to> School > Wicomico > click desired school > under graphs and tables click 2011 AYP Status > top left corner will tell you if the school met AYP or not


  6. There is a lot more to the picture than just passing AYP or not. Be sure to look at subgroup gains. A school can "not pass" because only one subgroup did not meet the goal, while the overall student body and all or most other subgroups made significant gains.

  7. Geee...Pinehurst and Pemberton didn't make AYP.
    Imagine that...Curt Twilley leaves Pinehurst behind and walks into Pemberton to drag them down too!
    Great leadership!

  8. 735, that is a huge issue then. Why on earth do they need to break it down to who receives free or reduced meals, blacks, latino's, ell, white? Seriously, it makes no sense why they want to look specifically at one group. In my kids school (we failed to meet our AYP), the kids are from all walks of life and in the classroom they are treated equally. So at PES, by looking at the scores provided, I came to the conclusion that black or AA children are not meeting the expections in math. So knowing this one group of children are not meeting expectations is going to help how? Pulling them out, giving them more free tutoring, one on ones...when will it stop?

    In the real world, the expectation is set, if YOU don't meet it, then YOU fail, not your WHOLE office, classroom, etc.

    So I would like to know from PES just how this will effect the school in the upcoming school year, if any?

  9. You're right. . .but not passing is not passing. The schools will be facing consequences based on whether or not they meet AYP. . .Wi Middle is in year five now. . .you can't just say "but the Free and Reduced lunch group was up" and avoid consequences for not meeting AYP. An inch is as good as a mile when we are talking about AYP. You make it or you don't. Any progress is good though, I agree.

  10. How come this article is not about a local county???

  11. 7:53

    Get off that horse. You tried to bash Mr. Twilley weeks ago and it ain't gonna fly.

    The school doesn't pass or fail with the principal alone. The teachers, parents, and student have to take ownership in not making AYP.

    Pemberton missed it by blacks in Math so let's focus there and see what will happen next year.

    I don't know Mr. Twilley personally but from what I hear, he is a stand up guy and leader.

  12. 11:06

    You seem to be taking it personally....

  13. 11:06
    Most people's definition of leadership includes communicating effectively verbally and in writing, completing tasks on time, making sound decisions and other characteristics. You're entitled to your own definition, though.

  14. 9:47
    I think your definition of leadership is pretty accurate! I am sure most people would agree, but obviously there are always a few that don't get it!

  15. Pinehurst made AYP every year that Mr. Twilley was principal there. I seem to recall that Pinehurst's current principal failed to make AYP at her school last year (Chipman).


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