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Thursday, June 30, 2011

16 Senators Oppose ID Requirement to Vote

Sixteen Democratic senators want the Justice Department to look into whether voting rights are being jeopardized in states that require photo identification in order for people to vote.

The lawmakers wrote Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday to express concern that millions of voters do not have a government-issued ID — particularly older people, racial minorities, low-income voters and students.

The senators say the photo ID requirements could block millions of eligible people from exercising their right to vote.

Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler said the department is monitoring, as it routinely does, this type of legislative activity in the states.



  1. Of course its Democratic senators who want this. Who else would want something so idiotic. How does this violate election laws? You should have to prove you are a citizen when you register to vote and proof of who you are when you go to vote. Without showing ID you can vote at several voting stations. Like that hasnt happened before.The democrats want this so they can get the votes from illegals and other people who arent registered to vote. My opinion is that it should be mandatory to show proof of who you are when you vote. No if ands or buts. These 16 senators should be booted off of capitol hill immediately.

  2. Gosh if this ever passed in Cook county Illinois, they might have a fair election.
    Hasen't been a fair election in Cook county (Chicago) Illinois since 1910.
    The Democrats took the Cook county voting model national back in the 2000 Presidential election but still came up short

  3. I agree that it should be a Federal law, concern for the good of the American people and some common sense to concerns of its citizens is apparently not important or considered necessary if you are a politician.

  4. 7:31, 7:47 and 8:11 DITTOS. cashing checks, dr.'s office, bars, college/university, and many other venues require a photo id, so why would voting be any different. again; common sense....

  5. Vote them out of office.


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