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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Zogby Poll: Herman Cain Emerging As GOP Favorite

Herman Cain trails only Chris Christie as the top choice among Republican primary voters in the race for the 2012 Presidential nomination. Mitt Romney ranks fourth, but voters see him as the most likely nominee by a wide margin over the rest of a 13-person field.

One-half of GOP voters say they would never vote for Donald Trump, and more than 30% say they would never vote for Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul.

These results are from an IBOPE Zogby interactive poll of 1,377 Republican primary voters conducted from May 6-9.

Cain, a businessman and talk show host, seems to have impressed some Republican voters with his performance at last week's South Carolina Republican presidential debate. He receives 14% when GOP voters are asked whom they would vote for if the primary were held today. That places him second to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has said he will not run, but has been the frontrunner in three previous IBOPE Zogby interactive polls (November 2010 and January and March 2011.)



  1. I heard this guy on Fox yesterday and I am so very impressed by him. It's called COMMON SENSE people!!

  2. he's really good,
    BHO has gotta be worried

  3. How could this be? I thought we conservatives were such racists.

  4. George Sorros is running around sucking his thumb b/c his money is not pulling this election for 2012.

  5. Last week it was Trump. Before that it was Romney. Before that it was Bachman. And before that it was Palin.

    I wish for once all of us would step up and start driving the news cycle instead of it driving us. The news is simply driving a narrative that will get you to watch. So while you focus on Cain, or Bin Laden, or Michelle O. dancing at the white house, the pols. from both parties still haven't came up with a long-term fiscal plan, jobs plan, or policies to address other key issues.

  6. The liberals will call him a trader to their race like they did with Michael Steele. Hmmmm lets think here "trader to their race" Who is exactly is the racist here?

  7. 9:30, you are. That's why this guy has no chance.

  8. Alex...so sad...so ignorant

  9. The White House is about Politics and this gentleman is the opposite of that.

    These are the type of men we need in the White House; not Obama who wears depend's diapers.

  10. i would say at least 95% of conservatives are not racist, regardless of their race.

    i would say only 40% of libs aren't racist. big difference. the libs just can't help themselves. most of them consider themselves "victims" and live in that mental state all of their lives.

    GO HERMAN CAIN.......

  11. I say Christie for President with Cain running as the VP, that would take away all the racials games we all know bama and his dumb@@@ liberal buddies are going to be using. Alex or whoever you really are, get off the kool-aid wagon unless you have something to hide yourself!

  12. Alex stating that all Republicans are racist is like saying the all blacks are Democrats so they can collect more welfare.

  13. lol @ 11;53, and many of you say and believe this

  14. 11:35, I would say you are either 95% uninformed or 40% stupid. Take your pick. Either makes as much sense as you pulling numbers out of your whazoo.

  15. Interested in hearing more about this possible candidate. The Republicans need to step up and take a stand so they can be taken seriously. Many present GOP possible candidates are laughing stocks. An independent here just looking for the best person for the job rather than towing a party line.


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