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Monday, May 16, 2011

Wood Creek, A Local Ghost Town

You finally get to a point in life where you're capable of retiring. You search out different communities to downsize and you pick Wood Creek, (A GOLFING COMMUNITY) to settle down to the good life. You buy a home, you play a round of golf every possible day you can and the next thing you know the developer goes bankrupt, building slabs lie dormant and the beautifully landscaped golf course is ruined by the lack of maintenance.

This is pretty much the story for many of the Wood Creek residents today. Unfortunately these are the times ahead of us and the images above simply tell the story, it has come to a community near you.

Keep voting Democrat and maybe you too can pick up a piece of property for a penny on the dollar and interest rates so low you just can't refuse.


  1. They should take down all the signs saying they are a golf community.

  2. You start with a good article and poof, in one ignorant statement at the end you take away all seriousness. Oh, were it that simple! But the serious thinkers know it's so much more than which party is currently holding the oval office.

  3. This really is a shame. The groundskeeper kept the course in great shape. Kids could even play free. I used to take my son several times per year to learn the game for $25. I hope someone buys it soon so the course doesn't completely fall apart. No land in the world detiorates faster than a golf course.

  4. Just curious-Who is the Developer of Wood Creek?

  5. This guy (owner of Woodcreek) didn't do what he set out to do in Delmar.
    There were not supposed to be townhomes and rentals out there when this project was proposed.
    He kept changing it up and he got greedy. Plain and simple.
    Greed put this guy under. Atleast the other greedy developers who came to town never quite go the chance to get this far with their developments!
    Delmar should have had this guys number when he kept coming back wanting to do more and more before he even finished putting in place what was in the FIRST proposal and approval! I hope the Maryland Commissioners learned a hard lesson with this one, but I doubt they did. Business as usual.

  6. It's a shame to drive through there every day as a resident and see it slowly deteriate. I hope someone buys this golf course soon...some one with some business sense. In this economy and as little as it cost to play golf there, there's absolutely no reason why that place can't make any money...mean while places like Light House Sound cost nearly $200 dollars to play and still looks beautiful and is going strong. Such a shame!

  7. "Keep voting Republican for that good old deregulation and trickle down BS that allow crap lie this to happen." Fixed that for you.

  8. OK to all the Anon's out there who are apparently either a complete moron or never went to school... It does NOT matter who is in office, ONCE one side has an advantage over the other, via more in the house and senate... This will happen... PERIOD... ANY one with control takes advantage of their control PERIOD... ANY one who has an abundant of money gets GREEDY and wants more... Just ask the people who work for govt that have millions, enough to cover 4 generations or more of their family where they won't have to work... Yet they want more...

    Don't play the blame game, because your part of it, you voted these idiots in, and well your the cause as much as the guy in office...

  9. 11:59, you may have some good points, but your use of the English language suggests that You "never went to school." Just one grammar lesson: "Your" is possessive (your books); "You're" is a contraction for "You are."

  10. First of all, golf coarses don't make a lot of money. And, if they do, it's not until 10-15 years downt the road when they have more of their original campital investments paid for. Lighthouse Sound and WoodCreek are two different beasts.... like comparing apples to apple seeds. Lighthouse is a full golf course with a different (mostly transient) clientele and million dollar homes. WoodCreek is an executive (short) course with fixed income seniors living in duplexes. Charging just $25 to play was probably part of it's demise, besides the class-action lawsuit getting ready to go after the builder for all the greedy things they did.... like put the same seer hvac units in 1100sqft duplexes as vaulted ceiling 2000 sqft single family units.

  11. Well whatever anon 12:17....I was just saying it's a shame how quickly this "golf community" is falling apart and that the residents young and old were sold on buying a home in the type of community and now no longer live in a "golf community!!!" Among many other things that these greedy builder did or didn't do.

  12. Uh..they went bankrupt under republican admin

  13. The builders of my development are PCS Homes. www.pcshomes.com.
    May they rot in hell. The family name is Thomasson and they are all crooks.

  14. What's keeping the existing residents from getting out there and cleaning up the golf course on their own? - David Hearne

  15. I'll take cheap property on low interest any day buddy. Theres a market for golf, so eventually someone will step in and get the course back up for par. It's that market correction brought on by the capitalist spirit that you guys seem to think evaporates just because your boys don't win one election.

  16. I am a homeowner and would volunteer my time to mow as much as I can, but I have no mower. Organize the homeowners and I will be the one on your mower.

  17. 10:09 PM

    Here is one stepping up to the plate. Kudos.

  18. Sadly, I'm one of the homeowners in Wood Creek and the builder was PCS Homes. PCS homes continues to let our community turn into a Ghost Town. The grass and weeds next to my house is almost knee high thanks to PCS Homes not maintaining their lots. The golf course looks awful. PCS Homes is owned and operated by the Thomasson family and they are crooks.

  19. We almost bought in Woodcreek several years ago, but could not get the salespeople to get answers to some questions we had...thankfully, as it turns out.
    We bought a house in "the Delmar area" specifically to get our children into the WONDERFUL Delmar School District. Wood Creek has great potential. It would be much better off without those PCS folks making the decisions, IMHO.

  20. These homes were built as cheap as possible, very poor construction. get out while you can. Golf in this area is saturated,too many courses for all to survive.
    The upkeep on a golf course is
    very expensive and there is no
    guarantee for return on your money.
    Many are in the red. When the economy fails the first things to go is entertainment that is the reason most celebraties are democrats. They live in fantasy land and want your dollars.

  21. maybe the feds can borrow enuff more from china to buy and then let at risk familes move in and turn all the golf courses into basketball courts


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