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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wicomico Middle School Evacuated

Don't panic just yet. A student pulled a pull alarm inside the school and the school was evacuated. It is a false alarm and parents have nothing to worry about.


  1. One set of parents have somthing to worry about.

  2. How about it!!!!!!!! Suspend him/her for rest of school year! Also, if any police or fire departments showed up - make parents of kid who did it, pay for the gas!!!!!

  3. Look at the student body.Then let Margo Handy pick the winner.

  4. I went to Wi-Middle during parent week it was pathetic. Most of the kids don't care about an education and understand they can live off "The System" and never have to work.

  5. Terribly sad that this happened. I really hope the admins follows the policy set up by the BOE and punish the one or group that is responsible.
    Oh...sorry, this is wicomico county and we all know nothing will happen.

  6. Maybe the little kiddie was upset b/c someone took his Koran and Obama photo and hid them in the toilet?

  7. Anonymous said...

    Maybe the little kiddie was upset b/c someone took his Koran and Obama photo and hid them in the toilet?

    May 17, 2011 6:59 PM

    HA HA HA!!!! LMBO!!

  8. My daughter goes to school and it was probably one of you ignorant anonymous persons child. There are good kids who go to that school. Joe thank you for posting the ignorant ones.

  9. It might have been a false alarm but parents of students at that school have PLENTY to worry about!


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