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Saturday, May 07, 2011

Springfest 2011

Not very busy in the early afternoon. Traffic through the tents was light. Traffic picked up later for the sold out show at 8PM but, overall, the turnout of shoppers was light. Maybe today will be better.


  1. We rode down there Thursday evening. There wasn't many people down there. It was a beautiful evening. There was a warm breeze coming from the West.

  2. OC ripoff, NOT!

  3. There were DOUBLE the people Saturday for the Tents but maybe HALF the people for the evening event compared to Friday. Weather was very nice. Sunday should be another nice day for an early visitor but vendors will pack up for an early exit.

  4. I attended on Friday. I figured it was light all around due to being there from 10-2:30. As we were leaving it was picking up. Lot's of people were coming in with fold up chairs for the shows. As for the tents, the crafts were ok but the prices were crazy. I got my Thrashers fix, I'm good for the rest of the season until Winefest.


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