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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dog Shot After Attacking School Children On Bus

CLINTON, Md. - A normal day at a bus stop turned into a terrible scene when a strange dog appeared and started attacking children.
Witnesses in the Clinton, Md. neighborhood say a dog was sniffing the children at the bus stop at Windbrook Drive and Deka Road. When the children got on the bus, the dog followed..
That's when 11-year-old Mikhail Andrews, who attends Fort Washington Forest Elementary School, says the dog started biting and scratching the kids.
Prince George's County police say some of the frightened and injured children got off the bus. That's when the dog, a male American Bulldog, also came off the bus and started biting more children, including Andrews.
Andrews was bit and scratched on his arm and bit on his leg. There's at least one puncture wound on his arm.
He says he was scared. He also says, "I didn't know what to do, I was like running to the car so I could get in so I wouldn't get bit but he bit me."
Police say at least four children were injured and taken to an area hospital.
Hilda, a neighbor watched the attack in horror. She says it was the worst thing she's ever seen in the neighborhood.
She says she was screaming, "Shoot the dog, shoot the dog."
Police officers did shoot and kill the dog. At least two witnesses say the dog was shot three times before he died.



  1. if the kids chased the dog and hit him, would they have shot the kids?

  2. Now they need to charge the owner with Child Endangerment...or something else like that......

  3. Shoot the owners of the dog.

  4. 4:08 - are you simple?

  5. Where are all you wet pants liberals on this one? Doesn't this outrage you as much as the coyote incident? Anybody with a heart would have put the dog in time-out and given him a good talking to instead of shooting him.

  6. 11:04 PM

    Exactly. And in the coyotes case he would have done more than just bite them. It would drag them away and eat them.

  7. No this does not outrage liberals, because the dog was clearly a danger to the children and deserved to be shot if no other means were available to neutralize the danger.
    The coyote was most likely shot by some dumb redneck just to shoot it.

  8. These poor children were truely traumatized. This will affect their relationships with dogs in general for many years to come, maybe even a lifetime. Who knows if this dog belonged to someone or was abandoned by the owner. There are so many irresponsible dog owners out there.

  9. if the kids chased the dog and hit him, would they have shot the kids?

    If I was standing next to you and heard you say this in person I would probably slap you across the face. You can fix ugly, but you just can not, can not fix stupid.

  10. Alex you do understand the coyote is invasive to the Shore and damage livestock and other farm animals. Calling us all rednecks is like saying you are all from Dundalk. The person did the correct thing by shooting it.


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