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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Court: Chicago Must Hire 111 Black Firefighters

Chicago must hire 111 African American firefighter candidates passed over for jobs and pay millions of dollars in damages to thousands more.
The ruling handed down Friday by the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals follows last year's decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that the African Americans who took a 1995 firefighters' entrance exam didn't wait too long to sue.


  1. Affirmative action helps 50% of the people it impacts...think about the 50% that would have gotten the job by qualifications other than color. Another form of discrimination - against those that are qualified - and not black! If they made the score and met the qualifications - hire them...if not - get qualified. NO MORE GIMME'S!

  2. Well, this is just how our school system is now being destroyed. There are qualified Black FF's and they are probably working there. Now they will hire any idiot just because he is black that will get someone hurt because its a job.

    Look at DC and other departments that do this..

  3. let's see I'm in a burning building and I have to depend on inept people who couldn't make it on merit to come and save me? Glad I don't live there!

  4. People, America is gone and we the people have let it happen.

  5. you do what you gotta do said a past captain from the sfd.

  6. 12:15
    We had no choice. We were dumbed down by education system, and mind controlled by the media. We were then fed crap for food laced with GM products, disease and chemicals. Our water is full of toxic flouride and our children are taught to put flouride in their mouths 3 times per day. Further we drink flouride and bath in it.

    Finally, we have been sprayed by jets since 1998 and none of us realize what is in the chemical trails. It is full of aluminum, barium and desecrated red blood cells.

    Now our weather has been modified by HAARP and the military industrial complex. We suffer floods, draught, and massive temperature swings. The plants are in their last throes of warfare against an invisible enemy in the air.

    Yes, America is gone. Welcome to Amerika. Welcome to the machine.

  7. #1 the guys passed the test so how do you assume that they are not qualified?

    #2 They won in court fair and square after an extensive review of the facts surrounding the case. What makes any of you believe that you know more than those directly involved in this case?

  8. So when the court ruled in favor of the white New Haven,CT firefighters, "justice was served". But when the black firefighters win in court, "....America is gone"

  9. 1215 So true, so true

  10. typical, only in america. especially come lay off times. Not always the best and qualified and hard workers keep their jobs. Must be nice.

  11. Not qualified, qualified and best qualifiedMay 15, 2011 at 12:06 AM


    If you are qualified you should get the job. The bases should not be on race as the reason. It would appear to me that these guys got screwed over and it took this long to work it out. I might be a little tired but did not Obama have some arm muscle in this State before he was elected? If so why did he let this simmer so long; being fair as he claims to be?

  12. Anonymous said...

    let's see I'm in a burning building and I have to depend on inept people who couldn't make it on merit to come and save me? Glad I don't live there!

    May 14, 2011 11:10 AM

    You have a fire chief in Salisbury that is all talk and never fought any fire in his life. Every thing he knows about the fire service he read it in a magazine. He is not even qualified to be hired in the city of Salisbury as a basic firefighter EMT-B. Blame that on Jim Ireton and the 5 stooges of the last city council.

  13. If any town said they must hire 111 white people that would just be racist.

  14. Must be like the same type scam the new fire chief used to get his job because everybody knows he's not even qualified to ride on the engine or be on a fire scene in Salisbury based on their standards.

  15. just how qualified do ya have to be to hold a hose?


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