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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Checkers In Salisbury Is Closed For Business

The Checker's in Salisbury closed their doors last night for good. With a struggling economy and so much competition, the owners just couldn't make it, even with the college so close by.

Checkers opened their doors in June of 2009 and even with $40,000.00 to $50,000.00 a month in sales, they couldn't make it.


  1. Wow...they didn't last long

  2. poor location and dreadful atmosphere doomed these guys from the beginning.

  3. They couldn't survive on $50k/month? Then they had a terrible business plan! That's $600k/year flippin' burgers!

  4. Poor location, poor service and food that did not stand out compared to the other burger joints. Now we will have a specific building in the middle of a parking lot that has no other use. Another boarded up eyesore.

  5. i never did eat there :/ just didnt interest me; i never heard good reviews anyway; food place named after a board game lol

  6. The should've advertised on Salisbury News.

  7. They DID have very good fried chicken tenders and the fries were pretty good too!

  8. Their fries were very good, but once I started eating healthy - fast food went bye-bye.

  9. I think it is a trailer and they can just haul it off...maybe.?

  10. $600,000 per year is not nearly enough to make it. The key is the rent?

    Food cost = 32%, Labor = 25%, franchise fees = 8 - 12%? Plus utilities, garbage, paper supplies, licenses, and property taxes.

  11. Ate there once, food sucked, workers weren't wearing gloves, milkshake machine was broken on second night.

  12. Ate there once. Nasty! Rather eat at McDonalds

  13. Worst bugers ever !!!!!! This is no surprise

  14. 2:57 PM

    You have no clue what it takes to run a business, flippin burgers or anything else.

  15. It is true that the building will be moved,it is a pre-fab.

  16. Checker's reputation preceeds itself. Ever go to one in a city?
    anyone try five guys? they're good! remember those little yellow huts in parking lots that developed film? they can bring that back. what were they called?

  17. $600,000 per year?
    Uber rich according to Obama.


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