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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Who Is Herman Cain And Why Should Americans Care?

In the coming weeks and months the American public will hear more and more mention of the name Herman Cain as he embarks on a most important journey. 

The country he was born and raised in is in turmoil, facing crises of potentially insurmountable proportions on several levels.  Our overall economy is in shambles with the nation's debt level higher than any other nation in recorded history.

Born in Tennessee in 1945, many of Herman Cain's most formative years were during a time when American society viewed and treated its members quite differently based on their outward appearance. 

At the age of six, Herman Cain and his younger brother secretly challenged this societal segregation by quite literally testing the waters.  Watching out for the other as he took his turn, they each sampled the water from two public drinking fountains, each specified only for use by one of the two dominant races of American citizens at the time.  Herman Cain and his brother learned in that moment that the separation of the races was baseless.  The water from each fountain was exactly the same; each no different from the other. 

The burning question was planted in their young minds: ''What's the big deal?''

Herman Cain comes to us from humble beginnings.  His parents, Luther Cain, Jr. and Lenora Davis Cain, worked hard throughout their lives to ensure their sons would have a better start in life then they had.  Their work ethic and solid foundational rearing set both Herman and his brother upon a path toward achievement of their individual dreams.  In an October, 1995 Parade Magazine interview with Wallace Terry, Cain said of his parents,

"My father never looked for a government program, a government handout. I never heard my father complain about somebody owing him anything. All I ever saw was how hard my father worked to get what he wanted out of life. My mother was my spiritual light. Mom talked to me about God. She taught me that success was not a function of what you start out with materially, but what you start out with spiritually. Those were my beginnings. They have been with me ever since."

Herman Cain is the most viable candidate to defeat the machine that pushed Barack Obama into office.  Look at the man.  Listen to his ideas for reforming and repairing our nation.  Consider the alternatives and the disastrous outcome of allowing the current president with his ideology and history of deceptions and secrecy to remain at the helm for another term.  Educate yourself about Herman Cain and what he has to offer each of us as individual Americans. 

Vote responsibly, not emotionally.

There's lots more here


  1. Vote for what reason? Politicans do what they want to do anyway. They don't ask, what we need. They say do as I say. Not as I do. Democracy in this country is for the rich. All other are subservient. Because of the lies of this government and past government, the middle class and poor have NO voice.

  2. we still have a represenative form of government (a republic). the problem is the democratic party pushes the illiterate, uninformed, ill educated people to vote. they love to register or get them to the polls even illegally to vote their way. this is why we are having so many problems. our elections have been tainted for years.
    we still have an opportunity to turn this nightmare around. work and pray for righteousness to prevail.

  3. Great article on Herman Cain, I like this paragragh:
    When challenged by a caller during the interview regarding the supposition that it will be impossible for a black man to gain the support necessary to obtain the nomination in the Republican Party, Cain retorted, "the race card is used to try to keep us in pre-racial time in this country, rather than get over it, get past it and focus on performance, focus on the problems, focus on the priorities and focus on character and content, not color."

  4. Good man! Let's see what he does.

  5. If you want people to only vote responsibly and ignore their emotions, then you erase the Tea Party from existance.

  6. And if you completely buy into the argument of self-determination, then why blame Liberals when you think everything is wrong?

  7. not a member of the tea party dan but seems to me they want to have a "constitutional" government. do you read the constitution; do you know what our founding fathers intended for this wonderful nation?
    everything isn't wrong. we've just drifted too far from our moorings.
    as far as running on emotions; liberals have always run on emotions not common sense first. what's the term....girlie men.
    we still have time to get our country back to it's beginnings or at least closer.

  8. Well said 5:52.

    Let's try to bring this country back.

  9. I read it a lot 5:52 and have a copy of it. The founders left a lot of things to interpretation. I assume you want to bring the country "back" to something that you like, while ignoring some of the more noble ideas of the founders (like, say, the 3/5ths of a person deal, only rich, white people voting.)

    Claiming the founders were perfect and that the Consitution is infallible is like saying the Bible is a literal telling of the history of the planet (funny how both documents get cherry picked to suit one's political ideals.)

    Saying you want to bring the country "back" or take it "back" does not really mean much of anything, which is good for you since without a defined argument, you can then blame anyone you want for these wrongs. And if you are not blaming Liberals for everything that is wrong in your life, then you have not gotten out of bed.

    And that is the crux of my frustration. The GOP co-opts the parts of the Constitution that they like and the parts of the Bible that fit their view of how things should be, and blames everything wrong with those who they disagree with.

    "Liberal" is not an epithet. Stop using as one, please.

  10. 7:10. You have some serious homework to do. A really good book to consider reading would be The 5000 Year Leap - A Miracle that Changed the World.
    It explains the reasons for the 3/5th law among other things and it never once claims that the founders were perfect.
    Before you start reading take a look at who wrote it and where and the sources behind the words.

  11. 9:40 - Thank you for adding yourself to the very long line of responders on here who never, ever address any of my points.

    Don't you guys get tired of these one-sided conversations?

  12. Dan. To address your points would take far more space than there is and take far more time than I have to explain.

    Therefore I offer you this. A serious read into the constitution by reputable sources and you will find that where we are today is far far away from the Representative Republic our founders envisioned.

  13. That is the trick, 8:07: who is picking these "reputable sources?"

    I would balk at World Net Daily, The Washington Times, Red State, the Blaze and most other sources everyone on here treats as gospel. I guarantee you would complain about any choice I made at all.

    So, other than digging up Madison and Jefferson, how do you propose to brake the impasse?

  14. By reading the words of the founders themselves.

  15. 8:47...maybe they could start with The Federalist Papers. Or the notes from the Philadelphia Convention. Perhaps the Declaration of Independence. Or Teddy Roosevelt's speech to the new immigrants (look it up). This country was founded on the ideals of individual liberty, limited central government, free enterprise, and the ability of ANYONE to have ANYTHING they wanted, based on their efforts. THEIR efforts. NOT the efforts of someone else while those who don't believe in those ideals reaped the rewards. Sort of like obama's vision of our country, where 50% of the people don't pay taxes and a huge number are on welfare, disability, and handouts because it sure beats working 9-12 hours a day. Like obamas aunt. 10+ years on welfare and proudly states that we OWE it to her. Its that mindset that is slowly destroying this country.

  16. thanks to all of you for your commemts to dan. you were much better that me in giving him the real details.
    it's such a shame so many people (usually liberals) don't have a clue regarding our beginnings. i never used the word "perfect" in describing our foundings as i know we have already "improved".
    to those who read and believe the bible, it states if you don't work you don't eat. what a novel idea. i also know there are those who can't work because of physical or mental limitations, but they are certainly a minority. this is where churches and charitable organizations come in; not government.
    again thanks to all of you for expounding.
    truth - what a concept.....


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