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Saturday, April 23, 2011

What's Wrong With This Picture On Rt. 90

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  1. Why the worker cross the road? to dump a load.

  2. This is just to funny.

    I vividly remember when SBYnews exposed the deteriorated condition of the RT.50 overpass bridge near Arby's of Salisbury. In fact - a big hole developed and one could see right through the blacktop onto the RT 50 roadway below.

    I vividly remember someone posted whereby the State Hwy Administration had layed plywood under the overpass girders to keep the falling cement from breaking windshields from motorist that were passing under the overpass.

    Then - someone from SBYnews went out and took photographs of the plywood and said that the homeless were hold-up and living on top of the plywood and using the overpass as shelter.

    Soon after - the State Hwy Administration started work to correct the overpass and that work is still going on today.

    I say we have some bold homeless that have decided to order portable toilets to accomodate their needs.

  3. the crapper is on the wrong side of the road..?

  4. Parked on the other side of the work area and marking that side to move traffic over to the work area, maybe it's a way to cut back on employees. Crossing the road, working overhead to fall into traffic and use the outhouse on a down cline, Smart!

  5. There's a lot of things wrong. Mostly though, the fact that the bridge is not finished yet, and the "accident" that put it in this condition happened over a year ago.....it sat for a good 8 months with orange cones on both sides of it. Although it was deemed unsafe, cars are still allowed to travel over it. Why did the construction take so long to begin? Also, the Port-A-Potty is on the wrong side of the road.

  6. Can't see behind the truck but shouldn't the cones be in the back for oncoming traffic and not in the front of it?

  7. no protection what so ever for the poor s.o.b. that is using the crapper when the teenager texting veers of the road.

  8. Budget-cutting Rest Stop

  9. It appears to be placed so that the door will not open due to the guard rail.

  10. i think that is the new roadside office of ray lewis

  11. You dont see anyone working!

  12. For the crapper to be on that side of the road, it must mean that it REALLY stinks!

  13. didn't a snowplow with the dump bed raised hit that 90 bridge ?
    last winter ?
    I heard they were super heating the beams to straighten them back out?

  14. First of all, they are probably performing work on both sides of the bridge. They just happen to be on this side today. No sense in moving the crapper everyday. Nothing wrong with the cones. It is called a termination taper. There are cones in advance of the work area as well. (closed shoulder) The work that SHA performed was scheduled way before the pictures on SBY news. I find it humorous how everyone is a professional on here and jumps to conclusions. Have some confidence that it is not the first dog and pony show for the people that are doing the work. Although it may not be obvious to you, ther may be valid reasons to do things they way that they do.

  15. The crapper is located behind the guardrail. That offers protection. It also has to be in a location that it can be picked up, dropped off, and maintained.

  16. @Anonymous 9:58 AM

    Placing wood on the lower flanges under the North Salsbury Boulevard bridge to keep debris from falling on Salisbury Parkway is not some kind of isolated incident seen for the first in Maryland.

    Highway departments all of the country have been doing this for years. I have seen wood under bridges in virtually every state in union I have traveled through.

    Sand Box John

  17. Actually, I think the way this has been done is great. I live in Fruitland and Work the evening shift at a hotel in OC. I come home around midnight everynight, and most of the work is being done then, inconvieniencing only me and my fellow night owls. they HAVE been working on both sides, and the outhouse (or "eastern shore" as King Willie Don of bawlmer confused it) has been in the same place the whole time.

    (I had to go real bad one night and stopped to take advantage of it, BTW. the workers thought it was funny I would stop and ask!)

  18. Is it a Welcome to Maryland rest stop that under went a budget cut?

  19. Is that headstones on side with toilet?

  20. So what is the correct answer?

  21. The correct answer is the mile marker isfacing the wrong way.

  22. Or are both of those trucks facing the wrong direction?

  23. My first impression is that the picture is looking WB on US 50. The overpass carries Rt. 90 across US 50. The other possibility is that the picture was taken looking EB on US 50 and the overpass is still RT 90. In either case the white truck in the left lane is going the wrong way and the mile post marker is not turned around backwards but is indeed wrong. That is not the true location of mile post one on US RT 50 in Md. The roadway the picture is looking down has to be US 50 as Md. Rt. 589 has no rumble strips and US Rt. 113 has no woods in the median where Rt. 90 crosses it. If I am wrong I will just blame it on the merlot I am sipping on.

  24. This is Rt. 90. The mile markers are facing the correct direction. It is not rt 50. Notice the YELLOW centerline. IF it was rt 50, it would be a white skip. There is nothing wrong with the picture. The only thing wrong, is the comments that assume something is wrong, and especially the people that think this is rt 50. Hopefully you don't go driving after sipping (probably more) on that merlot.

  25. Yes you are right it is Rt. 90. I see the rumble strips on the centerline now. I just can't picture that underpass on Rt.90. What road is crossing Rt. 90 on that overpass?

    Don't worry my policy for driving is "zero" alchol if I have to drive. That's zero, none, nada! I probably wrote a million dollars worth of tickits on Rt 90, you would think I could remember that underpass. Old age dosen't improve your memory. I was working the road before they built Rt.90.


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