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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Only Worthy Candidates Wave Signs At Polls

As you can see, despite the rain and cold, only a select few candidates stood at the polls pretty much thanking those who braved the weather for their votes.

As of 2:00 today there were only 450 votes cast at this location.


  1. How sad that only 450 votes were cast. Speaks volumes to the fact that voters don't care to hold the government responsible for any actions.

    Kind of like sending your kid to public school and being surprise that they can't read or write.

    Wise up Salisbury. There is much at stake!

  2. "As of 2:00 today there were only 450 votes cast at this location"

    Where are all of SAPOA's stooges?

  3. That's the problem with society today, most voters are to lazy, ignorant or uneducated to realize their vote does count. Most of it is just plain stupidity on their part, they will complain, but won't vote, it's the one last right citizens have before government takes that away. Use your vote wisely!!!!

  4. Vote for only 2 Candidates:

    Terry Cohen and Tim Spies

  5. 4:09 PM

    lol what?


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