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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nancy Pelosi On Gas Prices--When Bush Was President


  1. Our $5.00/ gallon is Bush's fault, tha's all i know.

  2. You need to get her back on to explain why in her district gas prices are at recorc levels at $5.00 per gal. Under this administration Bush looks Golden. Go Nancy!!!!!! What a nut job she is.

  3. Take the Hair Piece off Nick PELOSI and we can see what kind of freak you really are.

  4. Why is this woman still alive ....why cant she just die from Stupidity.... Her brain obviously does not function properly. How it manages to keep her life functions working together is beyond me

  5. Gas prices have absolutely nothing to do with Obama & Co cutting domestic oil exploration, drilling, and refining. The more than doubling of prices since the anointed one took office is because Bush was unable to get a comprehensive program past Pelosi, Reed, Obama, and other Congressional obstructionists.

  6. The guys behind Mr. Pelosi should have his Kooofee on?!?!?!??


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