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Friday, April 22, 2011

Join Us For breakfast At Uno's In Fruitland

Fruitland Recreation Commission

Help us fund Fruitland's Recreational Park

Saturday, April 23, 2011
from 7:00 am - 10:00 am


Eggs, Sausge, Bacon, SCRAPPLE, Hash Browns, Biscuits, Coffee, Tea, and Juice

Tickets are $6.00 each which can be purchased at the door or in advance at Fruitland City Hall

All proceeds to benefit the Fruitland Recreational Park.


  1. Been to this in the past when raising funds for the Fruitland ball team.

    Very, very nice and would recommend this for all readers to attend.

    The food is great as well as those serving!

  2. I agree 8:47. I've attended each one. I notice this time they have added scrapple. I'll be there for sure.

  3. City Hall is closed today for Good Friday!

  4. Been there and love itApril 22, 2011 at 10:53 AM

    they sell tickets at the door citizens


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