Students must meet a series of requirements to qualify for in-state rates
After two-and-a-half more hours of intense debate yesterday, state delegates approved a measure allowing some illegal immigrant students to pay in-state college tuition rates.The tuition bill dominated the House of Delegates the past two days, with hours of passionate debate from supporters and opponents.
The final vote was close - 74-66. Seventy-one votes are needed to pass a bill in the 141-member House.
Most of Anne Arundel's delegates voted against the measure. The only votes in favor were from House Speaker Michael E. Busch, D-Annapolis; Del. Mary Ann Love, D-Glen Burnie; and three delegates who represent a district that straddles Prince George's County and part of west county: Del. Ben Barnes, D-College Park; Del. Barbara Frush, D-Beltsville; and Del. Joseline Pena-Melnyk, D-College Park.
"I don't think we should be offering an enticement to come here illegally," said Del. Herb McMillan, R-Annapolis, who voted against the bill.
this is a travesty and should not have even been introduced as a bill.
ReplyDeletewhat don't they understand about the term "illegal"?
bottom line the democrats are hoping once the illegals become legal they will get their votes. now it looks like they are buying votes on the backs of law abiding citizens. do you want your tax dollars used this way? hmmmmmm.
Replace "illegal immigrant" with "convicted felons who are still at large". The story magically takes on a different tone. Both are illegal. Strange....
ReplyDeleteWhat a crock. This is an insult to people who came to this country the proper way. We are giving illegal immigrants help with education. Maryland is such a freaking joke. Thanks to the dummycrats in power. This is ridiculous. I am so furious about this I cant even think how to put into words without cussing about it. The people of this state need to stand up and vote out these left wing nut jobs. Illegals are already on welfare from our tax money. Most of them get paid cash and pay no taxes but we are helping feed their households of ten or more from taxpayer money. Now we are giving help for an education. Are you serious. This is again an insult to all Americans.
ReplyDeletehow did our delegates vote?
ReplyDeleteAnd you idiots keep voting for the Democrats. One day you will learn!
ReplyDeleteRead the print. The parents have to be taxpayers in the state and the students must complete community college before they are eligible. The only students that will be eligible are the best of the best who want to contribute positively to society, not be bottom feeders.
ReplyDeleteFirst part of the Bill are educational benefits for military personel and veterans, as in those who serve/served to UPHOLD US LAWS.
ReplyDeleteSecond part gives the same privilege to illigal immigrants who are presently illegally in our country, thus those who are BREAKING US Laws. Is there one rational person that can explain to me how they can give illegals same benefits as military?????
Just keep it up-- keep doing this kind of stuff and soon, even the idiots that keep voting for O'Malley and his crew will begin to see what a mistake they've made.
ReplyDeleteTo 12:43 Illegal is still Illegal no matter how you look at it.
ReplyDeleteThis is freaking ridiculous. This is not a democrate or a repubilican issue. This is about a bunch of old rich white men who thinks it's better to invest in people in other countries than invest in american. This state doesn't even want to build new schools for our kids. It doesn't matter who you vote for. These people aren't listening. It's not cost effective for the rich to invest in this state or in this country. All they know is, let's take care of our own families and our brats. The middle class and poor have no say nor they ain't got nothing, anyway. I say, to hell with democracy. The rich don't pay their portion of taxes anyway. The rich get richer. The middle class get poorer and poorer. Soon, we will all be subservient to the rich.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteRead the print. The parents have to be taxpayers in the state and the students must complete community college before they are eligible. The only students that will be eligible are the best of the best who want to contribute positively to society, not be bottom feeders.
12:43 PM
You are an IDIOT!!
What is alll the hollering about? You can go to Prison in Maryland and get an education all the way to a PHD, Satelite TV, Air Condition cells, the best weight lifting items, a CDO that ensures you have adequate nutrition daily, corrupt staff that supplies you with cell phones and drugs, and so on. What the Heck, there is no difference b/w the illegals getting everything and prisoners getting everything. I retired after 25 years in the prison system and always thought the Democrats make it easy in case they are caught with the crimes they commit.
ReplyDeleteVote Republican!!
ReplyDeleteMaryland is a corrupt State, anyway.
ReplyDeleteI am or was a proud American, I am not longer feeling that way. When we get rid of Obama and these liberal idiots maybe I will then again be a proud American.
ReplyDeleteI am proud of our past, our military and people who believe God and Country is what we built this country on.
If I could afford to leave until the USA becomes the USA again I would. I can not believe we allowed the liberal minded democrats take over our schools teach our kids to be liberal and stupid. Take real history out of schools because it offends people.
We learn from history, and when we limit what is true, we are creating the same problem.Obama should PROOVE his birth status, he should proove it or leave office. If it was Bush, or anyone else, the Ditwit ocrats would be all over it. If gas was this high when Bush was in office, they were screaming foul play.
This president on TV just laughed at us and said I am glad gas is high. If he keeps it up, he will not be laughing long.
How are they going to prove their illegal parents paid taxes, by submitting their fraudulant tax ID numbers?? What will immigration do then??? This aught to be very intersting!
ReplyDeleteI think this is the first step in a sweeping Amnesty deal coming our way.