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Friday, April 22, 2011

Broader Sales Tax A Good Idea......

Broader sales tax a good idea to fix deficit, Senate Budget chairman says, and O’Malley likely to propose tax hike to fund transportation

Widening Maryland’s sales tax to include more services is “the place to go” in fixing the state’s persistent structural deficit, the chairman of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee said Thursday. Sen. Edward Kasemeyer, D-Howard, also said, “I’m assuming some kind of revenue increase” will be part of a transportation package Gov. Martin O’Malley will sponsor in the fall special session of the legislature that he will call to deal with congressional redistricting.

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  1. do these politicians ever stop looking for ways to raise taxes or create new regulations

  2. Man, being right is not always a pleasant feeling. Just like I said months ago, our "leaders" MUST find new revenue streams to cover their outrageous spending. First they spend every dollar they have and then write bad checks totaling hundreds of millions of dollars (which "we, the people" would be in prison for). The next step is to tell us how we have to "sacrifice" to "get the budget under control", deftly sidestepping the fact that THEY spent us into ruin. Thats why we will be taxed, fined, and surcharged in ways we aren't even aware of yet. Also the reason for "speed cameras". Just keep voting and believe there is ANYONE who isn't going to tax you some more. This is only the beginning.

  3. New vacation State Line tax: When you cross State lines while on vacation there are proposing a Hogan Hero's guard station for you to check into and pay cash tax to cross enter the State...

  4. Boy I'm glad I live in Delaware. Sounds to me O'malley wants to raise taxes on everything. Next they will want to tax you on days the sun shines.

  5. Rafael he already did. He is raising fees on fishing and hunting, you will have to pay more to cross bay to go to O.C. All are sunny day taxes.


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