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Friday, April 01, 2011

Ben Popken On NPR Talking About Shrinking Food, Higher Prices

I got to verbally joust with the wielders of the Grocery Shrink Ray yesterday on NPR on the Diane Rehm show. Scott Faber vice president, the Grocery Manufacturers Association talked about how food makers have to pass on their rising costs somehow and I agreed, but took issue with deceptively designed packages and the misleading marketing practices. Just be upfront about it!

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  1. While I have not had time to listen to this yet. I have noticed that things are getting smaller but the prices are not. Remember when toilet paper came out with the double rolls? They used to be hard to turn when you first put them on, now they spin freely. This is just one case. Everything is shrinking but the prices. I have also noticed some are putting the 25% more on the package. It used to say 25% more FREE.. now it just says 25% more than the 16oz. Many people don't notice it if they don't buy a product for a while but the weight in them is going down while our wallets are becoming empty.

  2. that's npr for you...better late than never. do they think we as consumers haven't noticed?


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