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Friday, April 08, 2011

2nd Air Traffic Controller Could Be Fired For Snoozing On The Job

The second air traffic controller in a month could lose his job for catching some z's up in the tower. FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt told Congress that the controller was "found intentionally sleeping." What defines "intentional sleeping?" He had cushions and a blanket, meaning he brought materials to work with him to help him sleep.

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  1. Today's work ehtic sucks and those b/w ages of 18-26 do not want to work but put in time. Betcha he was under 26 yrs of age!!!

  2. Gosh, I do not know why you are picking on job age persons under 26. They just want everything free and that is why they vote for OBAMA.
    Obama is the TOOTH FAIRY and They are waiting for OBAMA to put money under their pillow, but he has a mask on climbing thru the window!!!


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