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Friday, March 25, 2011

Tea Party Tells Boehner: Cut Budget Or Your Out

As U.S. lawmakers seek a compromise on how much federal spending to cut in order to avoid a government shutdown, Tea Party activists who helped propel Republicans back into power are growing impatient with the debate.

When Republicans captured the House in November, vowing to slash $100 billion in federal spending from the budget year ending in September, 76 percent of Tea Party activists supported their deficit-reduction plan, according to a new Pew Research poll released last week.

But after House Republicans approved a plan last month to cut federal spending by $61 billion, that Tea Party support fell to 52 percent. 

Now Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips, arguably the most vocal critic of GOP leaders, is pushing for a primary opponent against House Speaker John Boehner in 2012 for breaking his campaign pledge to cut $100 billion and for what he sees as hints that he's willing to cut less than $61 billion in a compromise with Senate Democrats.

"Charlie Sheen is now making more sense than John Boehner," Phillips wrote in his blog earlier this month.


  1. The Tea Party voters who gave the Republican party control of the House, assumed the people they elected would be true to their campaign promises.....maybe next time. Going into the 2012 election, we'll have a whole new batch of crap to wade through....can't wait. If enough of us took the time to call or email the elected ones, we might get under their skin enough to get them to do the job we sent them there for.

  2. Anon 2:01 P.M.

    Can I ask what drugs you are on? because they have to be the best and I want some... I don't know how old you are, but I lived on this earth for 30 yrs. and could vote for 12 of them... When will you learn that "ALL politicians" promise what they can't offer because "It's What You Want To Hear At The Time They Run For Office"... You can TRY to get under whoever skin you want, but that will just make it worse... You need to realize that "The Politicians" do as they want when they want... This is clear... Even if we were graced with a decent person to run for a political spot light, they to will find how hard and corrupt things are and will realize they can't do what they promised... Face it, your vote doesn't count, calling the senator doesn't work... this I have seen first hand... Anyone who says other wise has their head in the dirt or is a complete moron...

  3. When the discussion about Boehner as Speaker first started, I said it was a bad choice-- I KNEW he wouldn't get it done, because he is all about HIS power, not the people of the US.
    There is a certain power lust that seems to come over these people and you can see it all over him.
    "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
    Anytime you see the backroom shuffle ahead of the elections with people scrambling to set themselves up for leadership positions (like Boehner and Schumer did) you can be sure that it's that lust for power behind it.
    ANYBODY that displays that kind of behavior should be voted out of office at the next opportunity, because you can be absolutely sure they've been corrupted by the system.

  4. Please, hopefully they didn't say "your" instead of the intelligent "you're"

  5. I see that more and more people are coming to realize that it doesn't matter who you vote for -- Democrat or Republican, or even for an Independent candidate who promises to "change" Washington. They, if not already greedy and corrupt, will become so in a very short time. Even the ones who WANT to "change' things will be overwhelmed by the greed and corruption. Look at Boehner..."I will cut 100 billion (STILL a pittance, but at least a start), that is, until I get the Speaker's position. THEN, every special interest hiding under the rug comes out and, well, does what they do best. NOW, he'll cut 61 billion??? He hasn't cut ANYTHING yet, so THAT figure is open to "change"....they ALL lie, cheat, and steal while "serving" the citizens. Jefferson and Madison are puking in their graves.

  6. adjust that number to real inflation and they cut a morning's interest on our debt...

    point is they cut something give them time..if threats light a fire then so be it

    the Tea Party is not a Washington thing..it's the home precinct..it's true politics and issues


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