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Thursday, March 24, 2011


MARCH 28, 2011 6:00 p.m.
Government Office Building Room 301

Times shown for agenda items are estimates only.



6:07 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA – City Clerk Brenda Colegrove
March 14, 2011 minutes 1a
Resolution No. 2041 - appointment of Katherine Crowell Gunby to the City Park Committee
Resolution No. 2042 - accepting donation of an air light unit for the Salisbury Fire Department

6:10 p.m. AWARD OF BIDS – Internal Services Director Pam Oland

6:15 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING – City Attorney Paul Wilber
Ordinance No. 2145 - amending Section 15.24, Method of Service, of the Salisbury Municipal Code, requiring owner of a vacant building, who is notdomiciled in Wicomico County, to have a local designated agent who is a
permanent resident of Wicomico County

6:20 p.m. ORDINANCES – City Attorney Paul Wilber
Ordinance No. 2137 - 2nd reading - authorizing Word of Life Center to operate a church at 504 Delaware Avenue in an Industrial District as required by Section 17.72.040K of the Salisbury Municipal Code
Ordinance No. 2141 - 2nd reading - amending FY11 General Fund Budget to appropriate additional funds to pay City’s unemployment costs
Ordinance No. 2142 - 2nd reading - amending FY11 Marina Fund Budget and FY11 General Fund Budget to appropriate additional funds to pay the projected cost of electricity usage during the remaining half of FY11 and to purchase electric meters for live-aboard customers to reduce excessive electricity usage and charges
Ordinance No. 2143 - 2nd reading - amending FY11 Street Lighting budgetary account and FY11 General Fund Budget to appropriate additional funds to pay the projected cost of lighting facilities maintenance and electricity usage during the remaining half of FY11
Ordinance No. 2144 - 2nd reading - amending FY11 General Fund Budget to appropriate funds received from the recovery and recycling of brass shell casings at the Salisbury Police Range to purchase service weapons
Ordinance No. 2146 - 1st reading - amending Chapter 15.24 Housing Standards, Article XXVI Accumulation of Rubbish Prohibited, of the Salisbury Municipal Code
Ordinance No. 2147 - 1st reading - adding Section 8.09, Tree and Plant Trimming or Removal, to the Salisbury Municipal Code, to provide departmental authority to examine nuisance tree, shrub or other plant growth
Ordinance No. 2148 - 1st reading - amending Chapter 10.08 General Traffic Regulations, of the Salisbury Municipal Code, to include the use of speedmonitoring devices, setting fees for exceeding speed limits and penaltiesfor violation of Chapter 10.08
Ordinance No. 2149 - 1st reading - amending Chapter 15.26 Rental of Residential Premises, of the Salisbury Municipal Code, to require a Crime-Free Lease Addendum in every new lease or renewed lease of residential real property

6:55 p.m. RESOLUTION – City Administrator John Pick
Resolution No. 2043 - allowing the City to enter into a license agreement with the United States Marshal’s Service to modify and repair the City’sproperty at 311 W. Isabella Street for the purpose of housing the Capital
Area Regional Fugitive Task Force (CARFTF) for a three year period


CLOSED SESSION – following conclusion of regular meeting agendaConsult with legal counsel/potential litigation as permitted under theAnnotated Code of Maryland Sections 10-508(a)(7)(8)

Copies of the agenda items are available for reviewin the City Clerk’s Office Room 305 – City/County Government Office Building 410-548-3140 or on the City’s web site http://www.ci.salisbury.md.us/

The City Council reserves the right to go into closed session as permitted under the Annotated Code of Maryland 10-508(a)

Proposed agenda items for April 11, 2011 (subject to change)
Resolution - approving lease agreement between the City and the Chamber of Commerce for the Salisbury Dogwood Festival
Resolution - approving City’s Action Plan for CDBG 2011
Ordinance No. 2145 - 2nd reading - amending Section 15.24, Method of Service, of the Salisbury Municipal Code, requiring owner of a vacant building, who is not domiciled in Wicomico County, to have a local designated agent who is apermanent resident of Wicomico County
Public Hearing - Ordinance No. 2146 - amending Chapter 15.24 Housing Standards, Article XXVI Accumulation of Rubbish Prohibited, of the Salisbury Municipal Code
Public Hearing - Ordinance No. 2147 - adding Chapter 8.09, Tree and Plant Trimming or Removal, to the Salisbury Municipal Code, to provide departmental authority to examine nuisance tree, shrub or other plant growth
Public Hearing - Ordinance No. 2148 - amending Chapter 10.08 General Traffic
Regulations, of the Salisbury Municipal Code, to include the use of speed monitoring devices, setting fees for exceeding speed limits and penalties for violation of Chapter 10.08
Public Hearing - Ordinance No. 2149 - amending Chapter 15.26 Rental of Residential Premises, of the Salisbury Municipal Code, to require a Crime-Free Lease Addendum

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