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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Newsmax/Zogby Poll: Christie Leads GOP Pack

An exclusive Newsmax/IBOPE Zogby International poll shows New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie so dominates the GOP field for 2012 that he garners more than twice as many votes as his nearest Republican competitor.

The new poll reflects growing momentum for Christie, despite his repeated insistence that he’s not ready to be president and has no intention of running.

Christie’s strong showing is likely to further encourage those Republicans who are actively engaged in mustering support for a campaign to draft him to run. Supporters launched a DraftChristie2012 website last October.

The Newsmax/IBOPE Zogby survey shows Christie to be the choice of 23.6 percent of likely GOP primary voters. That dwarfs the 10.3 percent for second-place finisher Sarah Palin.

“Conservative voters like Chris Christie,” pollster John Zogby tells Newsmax, “because he offers an actual governing model that’s consistent with his and their philosophy.

“Essentially, he has been fearless in terms of tackling unions, tackling budget cuts, and so on,” Zogby says. “But they also know that he’s an affable personality, that he does not come off as this angry radical, but as a credible fellow.

“And at the same time,” says Zogby, “he’s portly, he’s real, he’s not out of central casting. And in many ways, for Republicans, he’s the un-Obama.”

Zogby says the results are consistent with other polls that show Christie dominating the field when he’s among the choices pollsters offer voters.

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  1. The big difference between Christie and the rest is honesty and guts.

    He's not a politician. He's a manager-- a leader.

    That's what we need, and that's why he polls so high.

    If Mike Pence would run, he'd do quite well, because he's very similar.

  2. Our family would vote for Christie!

  3. The Governor of NEW JERSEY?? He's already said he will absolutely not run. I think he has the same problem that Donald Trump does, which is lots of skeletons in his closet. From associations and dealings with mobsters (anyone out there THINK that big things get done in New York OR New Jersey WITHOUT mob payoffs, kickbacks, bribes, and if necessary, murder?) to shady business arrangements, tax issues, and appearances of elitisim, these two guys will have a VERY hard time in a national election. Too many people to come out of the woodwork on them....

  4. 1115-Maybe you should examine Christie's time as SA(State's Attorney) of NJ. Now, I know NJ/NY. Literally my entire family was born and raised there. But Christie was a staunch opponent of organized crime, many in the area rank him up with Giuliani in terms of going after the mobsters, and attacking the corruption that organized crime has brought upon the Garden State. There is no comparison between Christie and Trump, total apples and oranges arguement. Educate yourself on Christie, you'll be suprised. To be honest, I'd much rather see Christie get the nom than Palin/Bachmann/Trump. I don't think he'll run though in 2012.

  5. Gov. Christie is the only Republican the President is afraid to run against. The other candidates will hand him a landslide win.

  6. We'll take anything over Ovomit.

  7. 11:33....Are you THAT naive? You MUST know that what I said is true....NO big project gets done in those two states (Rhode Island is another) without SOMEONE in the mob getting paid....the unions are controlled by the mob and many judges are in their pockets, too. And as far as Christie being the States Attorney, so what? Would he be the FIRST states attorney/judge/governor/senator/cop etc to proclaim what a crime fighting machine he is and then later get caught in a bribery scandal? I'm a republican and Christie SEEMS to be a good candidate. But, who dismisses the idea (a very real one for him) of becoming PRESIDENT with such surety? Plus, he's just another politician INTENT on diminishing the benefits of everyone else, but not saying a WORD about his own lavish pension and health benefits....talk the talk if you want. Walk the walk to impress me.

  8. A life-long Republican, I had never thought of Christie. However, I have heard him speak on a number of occasions and have liked what I've heard. He would make quite a contrast with Obama. Maybe he's just what the party needs. We do not need Ms. Palin! Given a choice between her and Obama, many who would have voted Republican would go with Obama. Palin is simply not electable.

  9. Any Republican who would vote for Obama a second time would have to be brain dead. After seeing what this man is trying to do to this country there is no excuse for any patriot. All that hope and change crap lured some sensable people away at first, but action speaks louder than words. And his action is that he is the most clandestine and back door polotical cut throat this country has ever witnessed. To give this man a second term would hand this country over to United Nations rule. Is that what you want?

  10. 2:36 - What will you do if the overseers of the GOP commit political suicide and actually nominate Palin or Gingrich to run against Obama? Will you actually vote for one of those clowns or just stay home?

    A lot of this will depend on how Obama fares over the next 18 months. If there is a notion that he is unbeatable, or has a pretty good chance at reelection, a strong, competant GOP candidate like Christie or Pence will probably sit this one out. They are young enough to wait 4 more years and do not want to lose thier first time out of the gate. Better to wait until 2016 to go for it on their own.

    The result: Palin 2012, becuase Obama did not win by a big enough margin last time.

  11. I can assure you, 2:36, that I would never vote for Obzma. I have never voted for a Democrat in any presidential election. I would have a hard time voting for Palin, but if she were to be the Republican nominee, then she would get my vote. I still think that those Republicans who are not so committed to their party would go for Obama.

  12. Apparently Imclain has ties to the mob...or maybe he just stayed at a Holiday Inn last nite. I like Christie but I don't think Trumps skeletons will harm him. Most people know what Trump has done and he is still very popular. I like Palin's ideas but I can't stand how she talks...and she doesn't admit when she is wrong. How about Christie/Trump? Either way Obama is not a very good president. He hasnt done much for me.

  13. Dan, I'm 2:36 and I can tell you one thing I would vote for anyone that runs against Obama in 2012. This man hates what our country stands for. And if you would vote for him apparently you do too. He just gets a free pass on his background from the media and they spin all of his socialist ideas everyway they can. So some poor sap that doesn't look at the real issues thinks he is doing a bang up job.

  14. Obama hates the US and isn't a natural born citizen in my mind.

  15. Now Dan, is it even worth arguing with these people? The only reason people like Palin and Bachman even have a forum is numbnuts like 5:21 and 8:18.
    GOP has 0 chance of even coming close to beating Obama in 2012. I can't wait for their primaries. That would be some circus.

  16. Alex you need to pull your head out of your butt so you can wake up and smell the coffee.

  17. 151-I'm far from naive, but I've actually looked into his record. Something that I can tell from your op-ed you have not. Maybe before ranting about a guy you clearly have not looked into, do it for your own good. I'm well aware of the mob tactics in NY/NJ, like I said my entire family is from there. We've seen it first hand, and not on HBO. But take a few minutes, and actually look into Christies record as the SA, and see what he did attacking public corruption head on. No state official in Jersey has done what he did in decades.

  18. 11:58....and he's still alive?


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