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Monday, March 21, 2011

Insurers Dodge Payouts By Claiming Accidental Deaths As Suicides

Thanks to loopholes, some insurers are erroneously denying insurance claims for accidental deaths by claiming they're suicides, reports Bloomberg Markets Magazine in a new in-depth investigation.

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1 comment:

  1. "Erroneously"???? I'd say the proper term would be "fraudulently" denying claims....they KNOW what they are doing and they KNOW its wrong. Systemic rip-offs of the middle class and does Congress or any state legislators do anything about it? Nooooooo, because each and every one of those bribe taking, lying cheating slimeballs have been completely bought and paid for by the very same insurance companies... Look out for us, the "common man"? HA! Keep voting (and continue to think they are REALLY concerned about us....)...for the people who promise to look out for us and "represent" us while they stand by and let these companies do this to their serfs, er, uh , I mean "constituents"....yeah thats it....


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