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Wednesday, March 02, 2011

House Passes Short-Term Spending Measure

The House passed a bill today which would keep the federal government open for two more weeks and avert a government shutdown for now. The bill cuts federal spending by $4 billion. The Senate is expected to pass the measure later today and the President is expected to sign it within 48 hours.  

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1 comment:

  1. It is great that the people in government are starting to see the need for spending cuts. If families can do it the need for government to do it is just as critical. Nobody wants to fire or lay off employees. We all need our jobs, but in hard finacial times, we need to cut our budgets. If government was efficient, notice said was, it would not have to cut so deep. But when you have reckless spending and out of control deficits and no one wants to take on the monster, this is what you end up with. In the private sector, we would fall subject to bankrupcy, or other consequences. We can not allow our government to continue to spend spend spend. Glad that governors around the country are starting to see the need and are acting. It is too bad that some selfish groups are getting upset. They are part of the problem. The government needs to start making people and agencies ACCOUNTABLE. If a person or agency is not performing to acceptable standards, then they should have their feet held to the fire. Hopefully it is not too late.


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