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Monday, March 21, 2011

Gun Control Advocates Express Strong Support For 2nd Amendment While Calling For New Restrictions

President Obama, congressional Democrats and the nation's mayors appear to be working in tandem to "fix the nation's broken background check system." They also want to "close the loophole" that allows private sales of guns between individuals.

In their latest comments on the subject, these gun control advocates are using similar arguments and similar language – including statements to the effect that they “strongly support the Second Amendment.”

On Tuesday, Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, both of New York, announced the introduction of a House bill that would penalize states that fail to submit  records on criminals, drug abusers, domestic violence offenders and the "seriously mentally ill" to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

The bill was announced two days after an op-ed by President Barack Obama appeared in a Tucson newspaper. In the op-ed on Sunday, Obama called for “common sense” ways to keep guns out of criminals’ hands. He singled out “porous background checks” as a problem. But first he assured Americans, “I believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms.”

On Monday, a White House spokesman said the Obama Justice Department was beginning a dialogue this week with “stakeholders” on both sides of the gun issue.

Meanwhile, the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns – led by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg -- is running a truck-mounted billboard across the country to spread the message that “guns kill.” The mayors’ group is urging Congress to “fix” the gun background check system.

In fact, the bill introduced by Rep. McCarthy is based on the mayors’ proposal, as is the bill that Schumer introduced earlier in the Senate.

Mayor Bloomberg joined Schumer and McCarthy and other lawmakers in Washington on Tuesday to generate publicity for the Democrats’ latest “commonsense” gun bill.



  1. When are these idiots going to get it? No law will ever take guns from criminals if the laws we currently have were to be enforced crime would drop. Guns don not kill people! People kill people. It seems our leaders just can't get that fact. Stop going after guns and go after criminals and enforce our current laws and we all will be much better off!

  2. their goal is to rid america of guns, except of course for police, military, and political figures.

    we are too dumb.

    the politicians are soooooo smart, they've figured out if nobody has guns, there won't be any crime.

    it's simple really.

    criminals, by there definition, don't abide by laws, so they'll have guns anyway.

    we law abiding sheep must rely on the police to protect us.

    and the police would never, ever, be corrupt and in the tank of their chosen politicians.

    why don't we all just admit to being criminals?

    might as well get it over with.

  3. I would STRONGLY urge them NOT to come for MY guns....and there's about 100 million other men and women who feel the same way...our government is no longer interested in freedom, or upholding the Constitution, or providing for the security of its citizens. It DOES seem very clear that they ARE intent on disarming the citizens (toward what end?) and trashing the Constitution (to what end?).

  4. The Democrats have always been gun grabbers. It never ceases to amaze me that the more laws they pass on gun control just makes it harder on the average lsw abiding citizen.
    The criminals don't go down to Gander Mountain and buy a gun legally. They steal them and buy them from other drug dealers. The crimanals will always have guns. The stupid gun control laws just makes it harder for us law abiding citizens to protect ourselves and our families. So stop with the laws that will make average Joe a criminal just because he owns a gun.
    which is his right under the constitution.


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