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Wednesday, March 02, 2011

GOP Wants To Keep Funding For NASCAR

According to McClatchy Newspapers, Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minnesota), who is working to end the Pentagon's sponsorship of NASCAR teams, has come up against opposition from the Department of Defense and GOP lawmakers who say funding the race car teams helps military recruitment and could help save jobs through tax breaks. McCollum said giving NASCAR teams and track owners benefits doesn't offset other cuts to community health care and programs for homeless veterans. In 2010 and 2011, racetrack owners received $45 million in tax breaks to help improve their facilities, and will continue receiving them for the next two years. "We should take a critical eye and a critical look and say, 'Is this an appropriate role for the government?' " McCollum said. Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-North Carolina) disagreed, stating, "This is more about her disdain for NASCAR than it really is about saving taxpayers' money." McCollum's amendment to prohibit federal funds for NASCAR teams failed in the House this month, but McCollum said she'll continue filing legislation.


  1. Education funding? Kill it. Social Services? Defund them.
    Health Care? Not with my dime.
    Alernative Energy? A waste of money.
    NASCAR? Light the fires and spin the tires! Woo Hoo! USA!

    So tell me, Mr. and Mrs. GOP, how exactly is this a good use of funds? Oh, and where are the jobs?

  2. Ok I know you guys really aren't going to try to justify keeping these funds, especially when rep's have proposed major cuts to NIH, NOAA, and other science agencies.


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