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Monday, March 28, 2011

Gay Civil Union Legislation In Delaware

Ms. Goodman,

I've had several messages containing your phone number and people associated with Equality Delaware have asked me to contact you in regards to the Civil Unions bill (Senate Bill 30).  I feel it would be best to write you a message rather than a phone call so I can get answers I can read with no way to misconstrue them. 
Also so you have a full account of my views.

Myself along with a number of homosexuals and heterosexuals have determined that this equality bill actually contains sexual orientation discrimination, and yes, we do consider heterosexuality a sexual orientation.

The bill introduced specifically denies heterosexual couples from entering into a civil union versus a traditional marriage.  There are a couple of reasons a heterosexual couple may opt for a civil union versus a traditional marriage. One reason being some heterosexual couples view traditional marriage as a religious institution and they do not identify with any religion.  And although traditional marriages are of a civil matter there is still religious connotations attached to traditional marriage. Another reason being some heterosexual couples may not be ready for a full blown traditional marriage and would rather opt to be joined in a civil union.  I know of a couple that have been together for 30+ years and will not get married but have stated to me that given the option of a civil union they would indeed join together in a civil union.

Let there be no mistaking; if this bill did not include a requirement to ban heterosexuals from entering a civil union then I would support it 100%.  There is no alternative to unconditional equality and this bill does not stand for unconditional equality.  None of the Equality Delaware representatives that I've spoken to has given me an answer as to way it's required that only homosexuals can enter a civil union.

Why must there be a requirement that bans heterosexuals from entering a civil union?

Is there anything that is gained from denying heterosexuals the right to enter into a civil union if homosexual couples are allowed?

The argument that heterosexuals have the right to marry and therefore do not need the right to enter a civil union is not the correct response to this question.  If civil unions differ in any way from marriage then heterosexuals deserve the right to enter into a civil union.

At the town hall meeting it was brought up that in some countries that offer civil unions that more heterosexual couples are opting to enter into a civil union versus a traditional marriage.  This too is an invalid argument.
An argument has been made that we should exclude heterosexuals because they have excluded us from traditional marriage.  This too is an invalid argument.

Unconditional equality is equality without conditions, putting conditions into an equality bill that restricts a heterosexual's right to a civil union is without question complete and total disregard to equality and equates to nothing more than discrimination based on sexual orientation. 

On a side note, I'm not trying to be a bad guy here.  Its just that I see discrimination written into an equality bill and no one can give me an answer as to why that is a stipulation of this bill

R. Ryan Stevenson


  1. He's right... as a supporter of this legislation previously I will NOT support this in anyway.
    I had no idea this was written into the bill.
    The representatives endorsing this bill should be ashamed!

  2. They want to ban straight people from obtaining a civil union?
    Are they afraid straight people will ruin the sanctity of a civil union?
    This is a big oxymoron!
    Wait, this is an early April Fools joke right?

  3. Totally hypocritical!
    Equality Delaware really stands for Inequality Delaware!

  4. Lisa Goodman is an angry ANGRY lesbian!

    To hell with it, give them civil marriage and when they ask for marriage we can laugh in their faces.

    Straight people are too good for civil unions? Well I think marriage is too good for the gays!

  5. Ryan, are you even a registered voter in Delaware? And hey, isn't this blog for Maryland? Confusing...must be an early April Fools joke...right?

  6. This is a blog based in Maryland but is very popular in Republican strong holds of Sussex and Kent Counties in Delaware.

    And now 5:50 wants to question Ryan, sounds like desperation to me. Ryan is totally right here, there's no question about it at all!

  7. Damn, their own people are going to tear this bill down limb by pitiful limb!

    It's a crying shame that Equality Delaware couldn't propose a bill that represented the true vision of the homosexual community in Delaware. Instead Lisa Goodman and her puppets decided to build this "equality" bill around discrimination.

    This bill needs to be murdered! Take the hate out of this bill!

  8. Ryan, I totally agree with what you have to say. As a homosexual man, and voter, I believe, although the civil union is a step in the right direction for Gay-Marriage in the state of Delaware; it is unfair for it to be banning the heterosexual community from choosing this option of civil union as well. It isn't EQUAL rights if it is offered to the homosexual community, but not to anyone else. Plain and simple, it's wrong.

    This letter was well thought out, and couldn't have been said any better.

  9. gay people discriminating against straight people. who saw this coming? oh but don't worry jack markell will sign this bill into law, discrimination and all!

  10. that is a fair question by 5:50 pm that ryan can answer easily posting a pic of his voter card on FB...ryan posts everything else...proof of residency shouldn't be an issue for credibility ya know

  11. Any legislator from Markell on down signing or voting yes to this bill is committing political suicide. Go ahead guys Delaware needs a GOOD HOUSECLEANING!!!


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