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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Commission Urges Pentagon To Let Women Serve In Combat

U.S. military officials should reverse a long-standing policy and allow women to serve in ground combat units, largely because it will help their uniformed careers, a commission on military diversity said Monday.

In a new 20-point report, the Military Leadership Diversity Commission (MLDC) called for the extermination of the “Combat Exclusion Policy.”

“Current [Department of Defense] and service assignment policies prohibit women from being assigned to units that may be involved in direct ground combat. … This means that, for a given occupation, the policies determine to which units a female servicemember may be assigned to do the job for which she has been trained,” the report states.

“However, given the nature of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” the commission found, “women are currently engaged in direct combat, even when it is not part of their formally assigned role.”

This finding led all the group’s members to reach a “near-unanimous agreement that this aspect of the combat exclusion policies should be eliminated immediately because, given current practices for employing women in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it seems obsolete,” states the report. “The assignment policies constitute an unnecessary barrier to women’s advancement.”

More here

[What do you think? Should women be assigned to combat units?  Editor]


  1. Will they have to medevac them out when they run out of tampons? :-)

  2. Maybe they could form Special Ops units comprised of women whose PMS is synchronized..

  3. Simple question. Simple answer. No.

  4. Any woman who can carry a hundred pounds of gear on her back, up a mountain, while also carrying a .50 cal and ammo, (UP a mountain) and has the strength to haul my 225 lb wounded buddy out of eneny fire and back to safety, well let her in. Otherwise, shut the hell up. War is messy. People die. bad things happen REAL quick. I wouldn't want susie complianing (in the middle of a firefight) that she can't run anymore, or can't sprint to the next foxhole with the mortar ---its too heavy!!, or can't do anything that requires more than average physical strength. You'll get someone killed (maybe yourself) with all that "but we're all equal" crap.


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