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Friday, February 11, 2011

There Will Never Be Another Sarah Foxwell, Ever

Rarely will you ever hear me tell you that you just don't know what it's like sitting in a court room day after day listening to horrific evidence on a particular case. However, in Sarah Foxwell's case it pleases me that so many of you do not have to be subjected to a piece of crap of a human being sitting there without chains and handcuffs humiliating him as many of us feel he should be treated.

Instead, Thomas Leggs sits in a cushioned chair with at least three attorneys by his side doing everything they can to get evidence removed from this trial. At times we're subjected to 35 minutes at a time of rambling on and on about how unfair their client is being treated.

Leggs sits there without any expression whatsoever, no remorse, nothing. As a taxpayer I watch 3 court appointed officers sitting there to make sure he doesn't do anything or better yet no one else does anything to him. I watch, (at times) Sarah's Father staring at this man for hours at a time and I'm sure each and every one of you know what's on his mind.

However, we would be remised if we didn't mention that Sarah's Father didn't have anything to do with Sarah for the past 7 years of her life. Jennifer Foxwell showed up yesterday and quite frankly it also made me sick to my stomach. Lord knows why a 7 month pregnant woman with her 9th child in her womb would show up in court with a very low cut dress and breasts hanging out as if, well, I'm just not going to go there. Someone needs to sit down with Jennifer and tell her a court room is not a place to dress like that. Just look at what the Press just did to Lindsay Lohan. Now imagine that dress on a pregnant woman.

Folks, my last report on this case the other day seemed to shock many as I discussed DNA evidence. I did so because I wanted each and every one of you to get at least a small piece of what actually happened. Sure, we all know Sarah Foxwell was murdered. However, I feel its important for each and every one of you to realize the scope of just how horribly she was taken from our world. The accused indicted by a Grand Jury Thomas Leggs has done horrible things to children. Sarah's death was by far the most horrific death any one of your minds could actually imagine.

This weeks hearings were more of the same, 49 motions to either remove the death penalty or remove DNA evidence. While I enjoyed the work of Sharahn Boykin from the Daily Times article today, I was truly disappointed in the very ending where she stated, "It's not reliable if it's contaminated," O'Donnell said.

Folks, I don't want you to believe in any way, shape or form that the State, any Police Agency, the FBI or ANY of the Labs did anything wrong in this case. Unfortunately the DT's wasn't present the day when this topic came up in full detail. Yes, the defense attorney made that remark at the end of the day yesterday but let me assure you that Davis Ruark took great offense towards that statement and the honorable Judge concurred.

The only piece of evidence that was contaminated was a fingerprint from the investigator himself. Once they learned that the fingerprint was his own they simply removed it from the case. The defense tried to claim that the State and others were trying to conspire to cover-up DNA evidence. The DNA evidence in this trial is pure and the Judge denied their requests.

Each and every day of these hearings I have multiple pages of detailed notes. Will I share those notes with you on this Blog, no. Perhaps one day I'll help write a book with a Family Member and tastefully put out the information compiled. However, for now we'll simply give you our personal thoughts and some of the experiences retained from this experience.

In the mean time I'll say this. I may not personally like the way Jennifer Foxwell is dressed and how she's carried herself over the past few years. However, I thank Jennifer Foxwell for coming to Annapolis with us last year to help get new legislation passed to raise the minimum time a sex offender's sentence to a minimum of 15 years and no chance for parole. I also tip my hat to Jennifer for placing her unborn child up for adoption to a very loving Family.

There are many unconditional couples out there who cannot have children. As someone who is the recipient of such a child in my life, there's never been a better gift in life, than life itself.


  1. that poor kid never stood a chance.
    her parents couldnt be there for her when she was alive. now they pop up everytime theres a photo opp. 9th kids huh ? isnt that special...
    thats for the reporting joe. keep up the good work

  2. WBOC was there yesterday and showed some footage from Elkton. However, they refused to show the FRONT of Jennifer Foxwell because of how she was dressed. They only showed her and Tommy walking away from the camera. You had to be there to actually know they were filming them.

  3. That girl needs a shrink and should have her tubes tied. There are just some that alway have to march to a different drummer instead of complying with society. Thanks for all your efforts, Joe. jackkcharl@aol.com

  4. they should make her get her tubes tied. that is just insane 9 kids. and doesnt keep any of them.


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