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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Senators Want Washington's Credit Card Pulled

Several members of Congress joined with supporters at the Conservative Political Action Conference to blast not only Barack Obama's profligate spending habits, but those by their own committees too.

"There are 26 committees in Congress that spend your money. Isn't it time we had one committee dedicated to saving your money?" ask Sen. John Thune, R-S.D.

"Last year the president talked about spending [during his State of the Union address]. This year he talks about investing. For those of you who don't have your Obama-State-of-the-Union decoder ring, it's just another Washington word for more spending," he added.

He said, "This administration talks about making an investment. I think a lot of us know what kind of a return we can expect: More government, more debt, fewer jobs and less freedom."

He said the deficit, projected to be $1.5 trillion this year, is out of control.

"It took 43 presidents more than 200 years to wrap up the first $5.8 billion in publicly held debt," he said. "In the Obama administration's last budget, we will double than in five years and triple it in 10. … Last year 40 cents of every dollar the federal government spent came from places like China."

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