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Monday, February 28, 2011

O’Malley Criticizes Wisconsin Gov. Walker And Spars With Texas Gov. Perry

Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) called Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s efforts to eradicate union employees’ bargaining rights a “drama” and a “circus” during a panel discussion hosted by Politico Friday. O’Malley said he learned as mayor of Baltimore: “When you’re facing tough challenges, when you have to overcome things like the imbalances in the pension system, I think it best when you bring people together to do that, and I think when you try to vilify or make one side of the equation the enemy I think you’re asking for trouble.

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  1. In my humble opinion, our governor should pay attention to our state where he has enough problems.

    His entrance into the affairs of other states smells or future presidential aspirations.

  2. 10:23 AM

    I agree. Doesn't he have enough problems without sticking his nose in areas it doesn't belong?

    If it is a drama and a circus it is because of the lazy teachers protesting and unethical doctors writing phoney sick notes.

    Walker and the rest of the repubs are there. The dems ran and hid like schoolboys. They should be the first ones laid off if it were possible.

    The unions have already proven they are not men/women of their word. They say one thing but do another.

    Unions are a good thing in theory but they always turn corrupt, greedy and just plain lazy.


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