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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Four Chaplain Memorial

On Sunday, February the 20th at 2:00 PM 
         The Southeastern shore District of the American Legion
           and local Clergy of different faiths will join together
          for  a service in memory of Four Immortal Chaplain.
            Four US Army Chaplain of different faiths while
        serving aboard a Troopship in 1943   that was torpedoed,,
        while it was sinking they were giving life preservers out to
          those aboard, when there were no more  to give they gave
          their own.
    This service is held at Historic St Pauls Episcopal Church(1773)
              RT US 50 & Memory Garden Lane in Hebron
    There is also in place a memorial of the Four Chaplain and soon
     to be in  place a monument on the grounds
                                        Come and join us 

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