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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

'Curveball': I Lied About Iraq WMD

Defector admits he fabricated information to try to bring down Saddam regime

An Iraqi defector who went by the codename “Curveball” has publicly admitted for the first time that he made up stories about mobile bioweapons trucks and secret factories to try to bring down Saddam Hussein’s regime.

"I had a problem with the Saddam regime," Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, who fled Iraq in 1995, told The Guardian newspaper. "I wanted to get rid of him and now I had this chance."

1 comment:

  1. I was one of the few who knew(figuratively I guess is the word) they were lying about WMD'S from the start.

    I think I can understand his reasoning and intentions. Helluva thing to have to start a war to get rid of a ruler.

    But then, we don't have that problem, yet.

    It does remind me of how good we actually do have it here compared his country and ones like it.

    Have you heard about Juanev(sp) Mexico?

    A news story I watched today said it was worse there than Iraq or Aftganistan in number of people killed, due to the war among and on drug cartels.


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