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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Billions Spent On Programs Without Knowing If They Work

One of Washington's biggest lies about federal spending will be endlessly repeated in coming weeks by President Obama, congressional Democrats, special interest advocates and the liberal mainstream media.

The myth is that the federal budget really cannot be cut except on the margins because government programs are managed efficiently, with minimal waste, fraud and abuse, and they deliver essential services that cannot be provided any other way.

Two reports focusing on federal job training programs -- one from the Government Accountability Office and the other from Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla. -- that were made public Wednesday put the lie to such claims. Nine federal agencies simultaneously operated at least 47 work force training programs at a cost of $18 billion in 2009. That total represented a $5 billion increase since 2003, thanks to added funding from Obama's economic stimulus program.

Here are some examples from among many Coburn cited on how those tax dollars were spent:

-- Grants to an admitted thief: In West Virginia, Martin Bowling -- an admitted thief with a long rap sheet -- was the main beneficiary of a $100,000 federal worker training grant, and was put up for another federal job training grant worth $1 million by his mother, a state official at the time.

-- Tampa Bay binge: The Tampa Bay WorkForce Alliance in Florida used federal job training funds for lunches at Hooters, valet parking for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory (topped with $9 dollar slices of cheesecake), $20 delivery fees for cupcakes, $443.99 on flowers, 300 koozie drink holders and more.

-- $4 for bureaucrats, $1 for workers: A Montana trade union that was supposed to manage a half-million-dollar federal job retraining grant spent four times as much on salaries as it did training displaced workers.

-- Ghost employees: A U.S. Department of Labor official approved fraudulent invoices for ghost employees in exchange for cash bribes and a vehicle paid for by a Jobs Corps contractor.

--Job training executives frequent casinos during work hours: Iowa work force executives conspired to enrich themselves with $1.8 million in bonuses -- paid for with federal funds -- while engaging in sexual relationships and frequenting casinos during work.

Read more at the Washington Examiner


  1. Exactly how many actual JOBS did such funding provide? I'm not talking about bureaucrats' jobs, but jobs that the recipients of the training got as a direct result of that training.

    Then let's run the numbers, and determine how the cost was per job that the training programs provided.

    My guess is the numbers will be staggering, and as such they will be afraid to disclose.

    It's time to do away will all these inefficient programs and agencies NOW, instead of waiting until there is no other option. We simply can't afford it!

  2. I'm simply not surprised. This IS how our government works, how we've allowed it to work and then they crow about what they didn't actually accomplish.

    And the masses accept it.


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