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Friday, February 11, 2011

Analysis: Welcome, GOP Says To Tea Party

High-profile coalition is both a blessing and a curse for Republican Party

GOP to Tea Party: Welcome to OUR party.

Not so long ago, the Republican Party and its conservative base weren't sure what to make of — or how to treat — the emerging rabble-rousing ranks of the latest political phenomenon.

No more.

Everyone from House Speaker John Boehner to the decades-old Conservative Political Action Conference is embracing, if not celebrating, the libertarian-leaning activists who upended the Republican establishment and helped the GOP post huge congressional gains last fall.

"I'm a big believer in the Tea Party," Boehner said. His comment came just days before Tea Party-backed House Republicans caused headaches for the speaker on Capitol Hill by dealing him a string of unexpected legislative defeats and forcing his lieutenants to propose deeper budget cuts.

GO HERE to read more.

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