Do you think Maryland should abolish the death penalty?
I think that the death penalty should be abolished. Its still another form of murder, its just legal. Serving a lifetime in prison is worse than the death penalty. Peace comes along with death. They should serve their time in prison not in death. Shante
Yes only because it has been proven that this is not a deterrent to crime. Those that commit crimes that would warrant a death sentence, should be incarcerated in a way that they will never have any human contact. This will prevent those convicted from committing crimes while incarcerated. James, Owings Mills
This question has long been argued. I am stuck in the middle. The bible states Thou Shall Not kill, however I am not fond of taking care of a sex offender or a person of pre meditated murder with my tax dollars.
They should not abolish the death penalties. New measures to help insure not executing innocent people should be implemented. The argument that the death penalty is nor a deterrant is ridiculous. If you are found guilty of committing a death penalty crime, the death penalty will deter you from committing future crimes. The victims of heinous crimes are already dead. Let's remember that and stop treating those found guilty as if they are the victims. Mark in Bel Air
Why not abolish it, Maryland has become so liberal crime and criminals are on the rise in areas such as Baltimore City, Prince George's, and Montgomery counties. We don't punish in this state, we even had to give the sniper to Virginia so they could give him what he deserved. We outsource our punishment cause the liberals have no stomach for it. Charles
The death penalty should not be abolished. If a convicted murderer has no regard for someone elses life, why should his or her life be spared? Eddie from Baltimore
absolutely not, then would be no deterrent what so ever and no avenue for any unspeakable crimes that may occur in the future. Byron
NO!!! The individuals that receive the death penalty have committed such a horrible crime, the murder of another individual. Yet, others want to take care of him for the rest of life. Forgive, I do not see how he has earned that right. Sandy/Woodlawn
Don't remove the Death Penalty; lets start punishing people for rape and murder. Lets stop just slapping people on the back of the hand. The punishment should deter crime. On top of that, why do us tax payers have to support these criminals for the rest of their lives?
As long as murderers continue to murder in Maryland, they should continue to face the same fate they gave to the victim. Tom
From Our Facebook Fans:
Lindsay Muir Johnson No!!!! I think if you weren't concerned about the Life you killed then why should anyone care about your life in return!
Dave Baraloto Baltimore City and PG county have extremely high homicide rates. We should be getting tougher on crime- not softer.
Nicole Becker Absolutely NOT!! These criminals need to know if they kill someone that they will be killed in return!
Matthew Dooley Don't even get me started on this subject, no they need to use the death penalty more often. Our goverment has become a bunch of wusses, you kill someone you die, you have no right to live. You took someones right to live, so you lose yours & I feel they should die the way they killed their victim. Better yet send them to a 3rd world prison, then they will be praying for God to let them die. I have no remorse for scum & letting them live the rest of their lives in prison does not fit the punishment.
Mindi Crossan No, not all. An eye for an eye. I would think it would cost the tax payers less to kill a murderer than to have them rot in prison for the rest of their miserable life.
Robert People The only problem I have is that they sit on death row for so damn LONG before the death sentence is carried out.
Megan Elle Two worngs don't make a right, who are we to play god. Isnt a life in prison worse anyways, and if the crime is bad they will just end up getting killed in prison by other inmates. Isn't it worth it to get rid of the death plenty if it save...s the life of even one WORNGLY convicted person. And what about the family of a person who gets the death pently, if there in jail theu can visit, i know if there up for the death pently its a bad crime but it doesnt mean that persons family is bad. The death pently is old school, its medieval, havn't we evolved.
Lawrence Fasick NO! ...Someone sentenced to consecutive life sentences IE: Nickolas Browning who killed four family members should have gotten the death penalty! Why should taxpayers be paying to house for life! He was 17 at the time he slaughtered his family so what.
Melissa Janiel Leighton Absolutely not!!
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