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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Soda Tax Chases Jobs Out Of Baltimore

The Pepsi plant in Baltimore will no longer make soda, and the company plans to lay off 77 people -- a decision blamed in part on a controversial new beverage tax in the city, the Baltimore Sun reported on Tuesday.

Kristine Hinck, a company spokeswoman, cited the 2-cent tax on bottled beverages passed by the City Council last year.

"Given the climate, making a beverage in a city where there is a beverage tax certainly doesn't help," she said.



  1. When will government beaurocrats learn that business votes with its feet? ...leaving many out of work and further hurting/depleting government revenues..

  2. I'm calling BS on this one. I'm sure the saved way more money streamlining operations than they would have paid out with the tax.

  3. The state of maryland is not buisness friendly. However, this gives Pepsi the opportunity to outsource this company overseas for more cheap labor. Just another excuse used to send Pepsi overseas.

  4. the tax was just the final straw.


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