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Monday, January 03, 2011

Sheriff's Deputy, A Mom Of Two, Gunned Down In Ohio

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  1. What a beautiful women she was.

  2. I thought the same thing but I refrained from saying it because I felt it was inappropriate.

  3. There are some bad people out here, its good to remember that.

  4. Why would a compliment be inappropriate?

  5. I think its safe to say that the suspects wounds were NOT self-inflicted. That other deputy was sure pumping the rounds in through the window! No trial necessary here!

  6. Please keep this woman's family in your prayers!

  7. I saw the video..."through the window" was NOT exactly how it happened....they fired everything they had into the trailer...I hope they had verified he was in there alone (no hostages, no children, etc) because their fire was absolute and indiscriminate. The guy got exactly what was coming to him, but the police didn't seem too concerned about where the bullets went, as long as they hit the trailer SOMEWHERE.

  8. In 2001 he shot 16 bullets at police and was found to be insane, he served 1 year in a hospital and was released. I wonder if the lady officer was even aware of this.

  9. The judge who released him should be found insane and imprisoned. A good person was killed and he was DIRECTLY responsible. And HOW did the police NOT kill him the first time? That guy in New York reached for his wallet and about 7 or 8 police officers emptied their 9mm into him...shot what?, like 47 times? they fired around 100 rounds at him...but maybe that explains why this "crazy" survived the first time....

  10. These judges need to be more accountable. Just like Paula Price in Somerset county. She loves the criminals!

  11. 9:44 AM

    You're quick to post someone elses name, where is yours?


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