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Monday, January 10, 2011

Obama Created More Jobs In One Year Than Bush Created In Eight

Yesterday morning, the Labor Department released its employment data for December, showing that the U.S. economy ended the year by adding 113,000 private sector jobs, knocking the unemployment rate down sharply from 9.8 percent to 9.4 percent — its lowest rate since July 2009. The “surprising drop — which was far better than the modest step-down economists had forecast — was the steepest one-month fall since 1998.” October and November’s jobs numbers were also revised upward by almost 80,000 each. Still, 14.5 million Americans remain unemployed, and jobs will have to be created much faster in coming months for the country to pull itself out of the economic doldrums.

Responding the jobs report, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) noted that President Obama and the Democratic Congress have created “more jobs in 2010 than President Bush did over eight years.”

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Among those jobs that Obama "created" were thousands of election workers' jobs. For the first time, election workers had to fill out a multi-page form so that we could be considered part of the workforce, inc. paying taxes on what we earned for working one or two (inc. primary) days. Doing this also, of course, temporarily reduced the unemployment percentage.

  2. During the Bush era people had jobs and did not lose their jobs thus these numbers are very misleading! To have several hundred thousand lose their jobs over the last almost two years and then brag about a small percentage of them getting back to work is laughable!

  3. Besides Pelosi's comment being total BS, the 113,000 jobs number probably includes 112,000 Christmas sales clerk jobs.
    Let's see what the numbers look like in March, eh?
    "A sudden, unexpected increase in unemployment..." Blah blah blah

  4. The writer knows the left wing nuts will only read the title and do no research of these bogus numbers. The re election campaign of lies and misinformation has begun!

  5. THe crap being spouted by both sides, including many of you on this blog, is just sickening. Where are the real straight shooters out there? Does anyone actually take an objective look at the facts prior to making a conclusion any more?

  6. Pelosi is an idiot and she is trying to bring the rest of us to her level. The reason Obama has "created" more jobs than Bush is that he also lost more jobs than Bush. Plus it does not hurt to push 75k into the job kitty to create 1 job that pays 25k. There is more lib math for ya.


  7. 9:22
    So what are the facts? Help me make the correct conclusion.

  8. if pelosi's lips are moving shes lying. thanks sjd

  9. 9:46 maybe your new years resolution should be to stop waiting for other people, including Rush/Hannity/Olberman, to tell you what to think. Stop falling for every word that comes out of people's mouths who only want to use you to make money/gain power. Facts/stats/information are all a quick google search away.

  10. You all can never just observe the numbers. If it were just holiday jobs, Bush would have seen the same effects. Also, people DID lose jobs in the Bush era. Especially in the finance industry and the construction industry. Lets remember this recession started in 2007. You all just know and are afraid of the fact that come 2012 the economy will have changed and Obama will get reelected.

  11. whatever- LOOK AT THE NUMBERS- they dont lie- Obama DID in fact create more jobs than BUSH. Politics aside- the numbers dont lie.

    facts are facts.

  12. I have to laugh every time I see the numbers for jobs created. As far as constructions jobs are concerned the numbers are padded. My husband was working on a government job and was counted several times as being a new job. Each time they moved to a different type of work it was counted as being a new job. They did not hire more people just their job for the day was different.

  13. Obama did not create any jobs nor has the US govt. made it any easier on small businesses. Entrepreneur's and small businesses have created jobs. All the govt. has done is try and suck the life out of them by passing the health care bill and over taxing the small guy to pay for all of it's foolish spending Democrat or Republican I dare you say anything to the contrary.

  14. How many of those jobs were census jobs?

  15. Don't buy this B.S. Obama's crew have just streched the time period of unemployment to make the statistics appear lower. Unemployment is still at an all time high. It's just simple arithmetic. More lies for the easy to sway crowd.

    Here's a quote from from the article written by your friendly Federal Government as of Jan 2011:

    Effective with data for January 2011, the Current Population Survey (CPS) will be modified to allow respondents to report longer durations of unemployment. Presently, the CPS accepts unemployment durations of up to 2 years; any response of unemployment duration greater than this is entered as 2 years. Starting with data for January 2011, respondents will be able to report unemployment durations of up to 5 years.


    Smoke and Mirrors for suckers.

  16. 9:46 asked for some facts. he got insulted, but no facts. 10:56 said the numbers don't lie. I got news for ya ---- yes they do. Stats can be used to prove the world is flat....using the right mathematics, 2+2 will equal 5. And WHO gave us "the numbers"? NO politician is going to give you numbers that will make them look BAD.... 2:27 is closest to the truth....smoke and mirrors....

  17. Thank you Mr. McCain, it's 2:27. For me to not know something is normal, but for me to b.s. anyone knowingly, is definately wrong. This computer is the best tool that I have ever found in my life. It gives me access to research and learn daily, hourly, and question everything that I think I know and everyone else's thoughts for sure. By the way, your comments are always well thought out, well composed, and make sense to lamebrains like myself. Here's hoping for our country, and it's future, what ever that holds.

  18. that is if you really believe jobs have been created. This doesn't mean trees to be donated & planted by those already employed...cooper's way.


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