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Sunday, January 09, 2011

Look Who Else Put 'Bull's-Eye' On Giffords

Shortly after news broke of the attempted murder of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., the left-leaning blog Daily Kos was swift to scrub its post from a Tucson writer explaining how the congresswoman was now "dead to me."

One of the blog's diary writers, identifying himself as BoyBlue, had written a post only two days before the shooting titled "My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!"

"I am from the Tucson area and live in Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' district," BoyBlue wrote. "Today, just a little while ago, I saw on Andrea Mitchell Reports that Giffords voted against Nancy Pelosi as our minority leader. … Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is dead to me now."

Several news sources and commentators have sought to analyze yesterday's mass shooting in Tucson that left six dead and Giffords in critical condition, while many blogs and columns have blamed the nation's heated political "rhetoric" for inspiring people toward violence against their elected officials.

Sarah Palin in particular has been singled out for criticism by CBS News, the Guardian and others for publishing a "target map" on her website using images of gun sights to identify the districts of 20 House Democrats up for election in last year's mid-terms, including Giffords.

Daily Kos joined in the criticism, and the blog's founder, Markos Moulitsas, tweeted early yesterday, "Mission accomplished, Sarah Palin," with a link to Palin's map.

Moulitsas, however, had also posted what he called a "target list" identifying Giffords. In a 2008 Daily Kos post, Moulitsas listed Giffords as one of dozens of representatives with "a bull's-eye on their district" for being a "bad apple" Democrat.

The "dead to me" diary has since been deleted from Daily Kos, while Moulitsas' "target list" is still viewable.

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  1. The media including fox news are in full cover up mode trying to cover this guys tracks and attempting to tie him to a hate group. Now we know why his My Space account was taken down so quickly...but not before it was found out he was a left wing socialist.

  2. 9:29 The group if he is tied to it will make sense if you check it out. They're anti Semitic which goes along with his fascination with the book mein kampf. Contrary to popular belief Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party were left wing socialists just like this nut.

  3. People are gonna know soon enough that he didn't have to be affiliated with any group. People individually are becoming fed up with a government that doesn't listen to it's people. It happened in 1776 and it is happening again right now.

  4. can't be sarah's fault...has to be bush's fault. ...for everything.

  5. The democats have jumped on the band wagon to take the heat off them , this is sick

  6. Anonymous said...

    The democats have jumped on the band wagon to take the heat off them , this is sick

    6:06 AM

    Yes they have and it began with that left wing nut Sheriff in Pima County blaming it on blogs and talk radio.

  7. Can someone explain to me how a published piece of literature with gun targets on it is not harmful and could not possibly influence some nut bag to shoot someone??????? Just because someone else did it, it does not get Sarah, I wanna be a star, Palin off the hook. It means they are both wrong. Please

  8. Anonymous said...

    Can someone explain to me how a published piece of literature with gun targets on it is not harmful and could not possibly influence some nut bag to shoot someone??????? Just because someone else did it, it does not get Sarah, I wanna be a star, Palin off the hook. It means they are both wrong. Please

    7:27 AM

    Aw....Another liberal wing nut taking the opportunity to blame Sarah Palin and the Republicans for this shooting.

    I've got a better idea! Please tell us how a bullseye or cross hairs would influence a "nut bag?" You my friend are the nut bag!!

  9. 7:27 Didn't you hear they were not gun targets but survey marks. Yup that is the latest spin from the Palin camp.

  10. Anonymous said...

    7:27 Didn't you hear they were not gun targets but survey marks. Yup that is the latest spin from the Palin camp.

    8:46 AM

    Another Obama loving wing nut grasping for straws!

  11. Obama has been making threats and promoting violence for two years.

  12. google "jefferson blood of tyrants" are we there? i hope it doesnt get to that point.

  13. Good...now the association is complete.

    The Daily Kos is an extremist left wing blog inciting violence and Sarah Palin is an extremist right winger inciting violence.


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