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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

BREAKING NEWS – Shooting in Salisbury

There was another shooting last night in Salisbury.  Details to follow.


  1. Salisbury or Vancouver?

  2. Why does the photo show Vancouver police?

  3. Happy New Year, Salisbury! Bang-up start to the new year!

  4. If shooting was in Salisbury, why do you have a pic of Vancouver Police?

  5. It saddens me that you felt it necessary to post that particular picture. Makes you look like all those awful things people say about you being an attention grabber. How about some compassion and candor to the family.

  6. Is that a VANCOUVER police car?

  7. Why is there a picture of Vancouver Police?

  8. First of all, Joe didn't post this. I did. Albero is up in Elkton for the Leggs hearing.

    Yes, I know that the picture is of a Vancouver, BC police car. I just grabbed that one to add a graphic and give some more space for the post.

  9. Copyright? I am sure that photographer wouldnt want you using his photo for a different incident, let alone another country. Just like when someone trys to right click a photo on this website it gives a note stating we are trying to steal

  10. G.A. Harrison, terrible move.
    posting a fake picture makes u think the story is fake just because you needed a "filler"

  11. You meant well, G.A.

  12. "Just like when someone trys to right click a photo on this website it gives a note stating we are trying to steal"

    No it doesnt.

  13. The media uses boiler plate pictures all the time. lighten up idiots.

  14. Guys its just a photo...chill out...not a big deal....

  15. I'm 10:43

    Also, I want to thank you seriously for posting my comment :) better then Joe

  16. Wow, those guys don't quit when it comes to tracking down a criminal, eh? Good work Vancouver PD!

  17. You suck, bring back Joe!

  18. Down right stupid for posting this photo. Trying to make Salisbury look worse than it is. I guess you could'nt find a photo (in Salisbury) of a dead guy in the middle of the street.

  19. This is horrible journaling. Why in the world would you post a pic that has nothing to do with your post? That's call lying and putting facts there to make it look better for you. Man up and remove the photo, the post was fine without it.

  20. Reading all these comments almost makes me laugh if some of you were not so pathetic. Seriously read the comments either way someone is not happy. He uses a picture from somewhere else to spare the family and he gets bashed for it. He doesn't use the picture and its fake. Lighten up people. I don't see ANY of you taking the time to help out with this blog.

    GA thanks for filling in while Joe is away.

  21. Yes, if you highlight something on this site and right click to paste, you do get a message saying that "you're trying to steal copyrighted material"...unless that's been changed. And I agree, it was sort of a bad move to copy and paste and make something look like more than what it is, HOWEVER, lay off...the real point to this story is that there was another shooting.

  22. I think the larger point is this. All media types use stock footage and pictures for their stories, depending on the forum. However, this site (and several others) ahve enought pictures of the SBYPD taht could have been used in this instance. To paraphrase GA, he googled "police pic" and posted the first one he found.

    It is laziness. If WBOC, WMDT, or the Daily Times did this, Joe and the staff of SBYNEWS would crucify them for it.

    The blowback here is well-deserved. If you expect a certain standard from others, hold yourself to it.

  23. So, why does everyone posting want to talk more about a stock photo than the issue that there has been a shooting in Salisbury. Thank you for the post. I hope that you will have more details soon.

  24. Anonymous said...

    Down right stupid for posting this photo. Trying to make Salisbury look worse than it is. I guess you could'nt find a photo (in Salisbury) of a dead guy in the middle of the street.

    11:38 AM

    I don't think you can make Salisbury look worse than it is so that was a moronic comment.

    What about the so called 16 year old "honor student" from our public school system in the Daily Rag today. He is lucky no one was killed during his recent shooting spree. There is a shooting or stabbing in Salisbury almost every day of the week so get a grip you idiot!

  25. does anyone care about the shooting it self?

  26. dumb, dont post a fake photo, it makes it look like you were at the seen with a dead body on the ground, bad reporting.

  27. 11:38
    Salisbury is this bad...where have you been?

  28. Not the best idea to use a picture from any other police department, but it also isn't the end of the world because he did! Good lord people lighten up!

  29. everybody just shut up and give GA a break. big freakin' deal. so its not the real dead guy in the pic. so what !!!!!!!!!!! one dead guy is as good as the other. it's the image. looks the same no matter what city you're in.

  30. Richard Christy in HebronJanuary 5, 2011 at 2:39 PM

    GA, you are just an idiot. I'm sure the parents of that deceased person would just love you exploiting their childs carcass because you need "filler". Have some decency and at least take this picture down now.

  31. Who cares about the dang photo?Someone died.

  32. Hey I am glad vancouver showed up on the call. Maybe it will get solved lol. Take Off ehhh Take off to the great white north.

    Folks G.A, did nothing wrong the sad fact it this picture is mild compared to what is actually going on in Salisbury City. The place has become a crime ridden slum. Thanks to the slum lords and gangs. Oh yes let us not forget the people buying the dope.

    A while back I saw the safe street numbers posted and Jimmy Liareton boasting safer streets. The bottom line is do you feel safer ? I know I do not. I hope the new Chief is ready to go proactive. I think she is I have a good feeling about this one. With Ivan watching her back (smile) they can do great things. As long as the mayor sticks to what he does best running from the cops when caught making out on the beach. Sorry Jimmy had to go there.

  33. robin quivers in salisburyJanuary 5, 2011 at 3:38 PM

    wboc has real photos.

  34. I heard that the Walmart in Fruitland was robbed this afternoon. Any details on if this is true?

  35. You people....there is just no one word to describe your asinine words and actions.

    Tunnel vision? Refuse to see the bigger picture? What is it?

    Are you just that stupid or just like to whine? Or a little of both?

    And you have nerve to talk about the stupid come heres?

    I am from here and I feel embarrassed and ashamed to be associated with your ignorance.

    Take a trip and see other parts of the country. You can't see past your noses and the end of your trailer.

  36. G A this sure got Joe a lot of hits! You do him proud!

  37. Are we really complaining about the picture he used ? If you check WBOC they have the same picture up for almost every police involved investigation.

  38. We don't feel safe walking on the sidewalk. Wed. a KID in pickup tried to drive thru bagel bakery window while we were sitting there. he thot it was funny. Another vehicle drove almost a full block on the sidewalk and shoulder of Camden Had we been walking as usual, we could have been seriously hurt! What's going on people? Or should I say IDIOTS?


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